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Over the past five years, the investment in research and development has doubled, and innovation has become the "black technology" and "true skill" of Huangpu

Tech 2023-10-24 16:53:52 Source: Network

In the field of core electronic components, fill the domestic gap in RF microwave ceramic capacitors and microwave chip capacitors; In the field of industrial software, the power big data analysis platform has achieved nationwide industrialization with its leading capabilities in enhanced analysis and intelligent decision-making technology, as well as analytical mapping technology; In the field of advanced materials, the product content extracted by distillation monostearate glycerol ester purification technology exceeds 99.9%, reaching the highest level in the world

In the field of core electronic components, fill the domestic gap in RF microwave ceramic capacitors and microwave chip capacitors; In the field of industrial software, the power big data analysis platform has achieved nationwide industrialization with its leading capabilities in enhanced analysis and intelligent decision-making technology, as well as analytical mapping technology; In the field of advanced materials, the product content extracted by distillation monostearate glycerol ester purification technology exceeds 99.9%, reaching the highest level in the world... In the past five years, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have created one first after another, achieving one technological breakthrough after another. What is the story behind this?

Government response:

The R&D investment intensity has reached an advanced level of 6%, and the national strategic innovation platform is gathering momentum

Since 2018, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have achieved significant results in the transformation of national strategic scientific and technological strength and achievements. Especially with the gathering of national strategic innovation platforms, over the past five years, a "2+3+N" strategic technology innovation platform cluster has been established, led by the Guangzhou Laboratory and the National Technology Innovation Center in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, with human cell lineage large science research facilities, aviation tire dynamics large science centers, and Insight large facility engineering as the core, and supported by high-level research institutes and new research and development institutions, Becoming the only district in China with both national laboratories and comprehensive national technology innovation centers.

From 11.8 billion yuan in 2018 to 28.6 billion yuan in 2022, the R&D investment in Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District has doubled in the past five years, and the R&D investment intensity in the entire region has increased from 3% to 6%. It is the only region in the city that has continuously exceeded 4%, 5%, and 6%, and has reached international advanced levels.

The repeated historical highs in R&D investment intensity are rooted in the outstanding achievements in cultivating innovative entities in the region.

Over the past five years, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have continuously improved the hierarchical cultivation chain of "small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises, gazelles, unicorns" technology enterprises. Accelerate the layout of strategic cutting-edge industries such as high-end equipment manufacturing, digital economy, new energy, and new materials, and create a world-class innovative industrial cluster centered on next-generation information technology and biopharmaceuticals.

In terms of the biopharmaceutical industry, the zone has introduced and cultivated over 4000 enterprises, including 443 high-tech enterprises; There are 18 listed companies, accounting for 75% of the city. In 2022, 92 new clinical trial approvals were obtained, accounting for 92% of the city and 36% of the province.

In the field of artificial intelligence industry, the area has gathered and cultivated over 500 artificial intelligence enterprises. Among them, 8 enterprises in the fields of industrial robots and intelligent finance were selected as backbone enterprises of provincial robotics, 15 enterprises were selected as backbone enterprises of provincial strategic emerging industries, and 10 were selected as backbone enterprises of provincial strategic emerging industries (in the field of intelligent manufacturing). A complete industrial chain has been formed in areas such as smart cities, smart security, smart manufacturing, and smart cars, integrating upstream key components, midstream complete machines, and downstream applications.

It is precisely with innovative entities that continuously carry out technological research and development in various industries that "large enterprises stand tall and small enterprises are everywhere" that Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have the strength. Over the past five years, technology has been continuously advancing, and they can participate in important technological advancements such as going into the sky, the earth, and exploring the sea.

In September 2019, the Guangdong Guangdong Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area National Nanotechnology Innovation Research Institute was initiated and established. In less than five years, 7 academician project teams have been introduced, incubating and establishing 24 enterprises, including 1 high-tech enterprise and 9 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises.

This is another example of Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District increasing their efforts in technology investment and talent introduction in the past five years, continuously improving strategic scientists, academician workstations, innovation and entrepreneurship leading talents, entrepreneurial talents, and Hong Kong Macao youth special support plans, attracting global technology talents, and creating a high-level technology talent highland.

We have established a 'three-dimensional, all-round, and full chain' policy system for scientific and technological talents, which attracts talents through policies, platforms, services, and career retention. The relevant person in charge of the Guangzhou Development Zone Science and Technology Innovation Bureau introduced that the district has relied on the "2+3+N" strategic scientific and technological innovation platform cluster to introduce global innovative intelligence, achieving a milestone leap in the region's strategic scientific and technological strength in five years.

Data shows that as of now, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have identified over 416 leading talents and entrepreneurial talents, double the total number of talents in 2017. The entire district has gathered a total of 1423 high-level talents at all levels, including 118 academicians. The number of high-level talents is the first in the city, ranking among the top in the province. Enterprises in the district have been rated as city leaders in industry, and the number of innovation teams accounts for 70% of the city's total, while entrepreneurial teams account for 60% of the city's total.

The introduction of these senior talents has indeed brought us technological innovation achievements, "the person in charge said, A total of 11 out of 218 leading talent enterprises have successfully gone public, of which 92 are enterprises above designated size, accounting for 42.2%. In 2022, their operating revenue (output value) The total amount exceeds 19.5 billion yuan. Among them, 2 enterprises have been awarded the National Enterprise Technology Center, 22 enterprises have received national level technology project approval support, 5 enterprises have been selected for the 2023 Hurun Global Unicorn List, 42 enterprises are gazelle enterprises and gazelle cultivation enterprises, providing strong intellectual and talent support for regional construction, and becoming a new engine for regional industrial transformation and upgrading, and economic structure optimization and upgrading

Oranges born in Huainan are called oranges, while those born in Huaibei are called trifoliate orange.

Without a good innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, even the best innovative enterprises cannot survive, and even the most outstanding innovative talents cannot succeed.

Yuan Jianhua, Chairman of Jiete Biotechnology, lamented that if it were not for the Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District, Jiete Biotechnology would likely not have survived, let alone developed and expanded, solving the shortage of consumables in China's biological laboratories, and ultimately successfully launched.

In 2019, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District actively sought the delegation of work authority from their superiors to support the lightweight development of technological innovation entities. They successfully obtained approval from the provincial government, and 11 provincial-level administrative power adjustments such as technology contract recognition, registration and review, and approval for the introduction of highly skilled talents were implemented by Huangpu District, Guangzhou. In addition, the district actively seeks and obtains the approval authority for foreign work permits to come to China from its superiors, providing convenience for domestic and foreign talents to apply for work permits nearby. There are over 1200 foreign high-end talents in this area, accounting for about 40% of Guangzhou's total, ranking first among all districts in the city.

Over the past five years, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have continuously explored and improved the policy system for scientific and technological talents, reformed the evaluation and support methods for talent projects, and given new impetus to scientific and technological innovation. The district has successively introduced a three-dimensional, comprehensive, and full chain technology talent policy system, including "10 talents", "8 overseas cutting-edge talents", "10 international talent free ports", "10 Hong Kong Macao youth entrepreneurship", and "10 high-quality development of the biopharmaceutical industry", with leading support efforts nationwide.

Especially for the key research projects in this area, the implementation of "unveiling and leading" has changed the previous project evaluation mechanism that only relied on expert review. It is the first in the country to adopt a diversified model that combines "capital market recognition, high-end R&D platforms and institutions recommendation, and expert review" to select leading talents. Grant academicians, leading talents, and other technical route decision-making power and greater financial control power, loosen the constraints on talents, focus them on scientific research, and create an atmosphere that encourages bold innovation and the courage to innovate.

People's grading

Wang Jie, Vice President of Huangpu Materials Institute: The Aviation Tire Science Center has settled in Huangpu and has chosen the right one!

In January 2020, the Chinese Academy of Sciences key core technology breakthrough pilot project (Class C) "bionic synthetic rubber" project was officially established. Although it has received 470 million yuan of funding from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is still a drop in the bucket for a large project that covers from basic field technology research to industrialization and will achieve talent gathering, technology research and development and industrialization after completion.

"The Chinese Academy of Sciences hopes that we can find a large science center that can land aviation tires across the country and can support its development in the future." Wang Jie, vice president of Huangpu Academy of Materials, recalled that the project address initially selected by Changchun Yinghua Institute was in Shandong, where the tire industry gathered more.

But the original intention of this project is to quickly solve the basic raw material problems that hinder the development of China's high-end tire manufacturing industry. It is required to complete the construction of the Aviation Tire Science Center from scratch within three years, and carry out scientific research and research work simultaneously on this basis, with core indicators passing evaluation and testing. Time is tight and requirements are strict, making it difficult to meet in many places.

After learning about the relevant situation, Guangzhou Development Zone introduced this national key science and technology project with sincerity and efficiency, and ultimately won the trust of Changchun Chemical Institute.

There is also a very interesting little story here. At that time, Yang Xiaoniu, the director of Changchun Chemical Institute, was leading a team to inspect the area. It was raining, and Yang Xiaoniu, along with the main leaders of Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District, wore rainboots and walked deep and shallow in mud to investigate the site of a wasteland scattered with several fish ponds at that time. They were told that this would be the location of the Aviation Tire Science Center in the future.

That is an undeveloped and constructed original ecological plot, and we have not determined the location of the site in the Guangzhou Development Zone. As a result, the next day we returned to Changchun, where Yang Suo, who was in a meeting, received a photo from the Guangzhou Development Zone - yesterday's wasteland was already being leveled and vacant for our aviation tire science center! "Wang Jie said. At that time, the entire Changchun Chemical Institute site selection team was shocked and moved by the efficiency of this decision, I believe that the Aerospace Tire Science Center will be built soon in this area. The final agreement was officially signed and implemented in June 2020.

Aviation Tire Science Center

The contract was signed on June 23, 2020, and construction began in December of the same year. On October 20, 2021, the main building of the flight takeoff and landing dynamics large device was completed, and the first scientific research equipment was introduced. Now, the Aviation Tire Science Center has completed the full chain connection of aviation tire localization technology, achieving original technological breakthroughs from "0" to "1" in biomimetic synthetic rubber and digital tire industrial software, and mastering 41 core technologies, The first industrialization project was signed and landed in Guangzhou Development Zone, and the first tire was officially taken offline. The Aviation Tire Science Center successfully completed the first step of construction and acceptance within the scheduled time, and began to play its role in promoting scientific and technological innovation, gathering scientific and technological talents, improving industrial quality, and empowering enterprise development.

Now it seems that the Aviation Tire Science Center has settled in Huangpu, which is really the right choice! "Wang Jie explained that the Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District are located in the Greater Bay Area, which has a good attraction for talents. With the construction of large takeoff and landing dynamics devices and equipment not yet in place, the team recruited over 70 scientific researchers from both domestic and international sources. Currently, Huangpu Materials Institute has gathered 424 talents of various types, including 224 personnel with master's degrees or above, accounting for 53%; There is also a large number of specialized talents with industry background and marketing capabilities. Relying on the large device of flight takeoff and landing dynamics, Huangpu Materials Institute has become a platform and window for the release of technical achievements and the projection of research and development capabilities in the Greater Bay Area where Changchun Yinghua is located. Every year, about 700 batches of industry and technology inspection teams from all over the country come to technology docking.

A consumer electronics enterprise in Guangzhou is a beneficiary of the settlement of Huangpu Materials Institute in the Guangzhou Development Zone and the improvement of scientific and technological innovation capabilities brought by Huangpu District. Two years ago, the sales scale of the enterprise was about 100 million yuan. Relying on Huangpu Materials Institute, the enterprise has built its own research and development center, rapidly enhancing its research and development capabilities, accelerating product iteration, and having a good response in the market. In less than three years, the revenue has increased to over 2 billion yuan.

Expert pulse:

Building a Whole Process Innovation Ecological Chain, Promoting the Integration of Industry, Learning, and Innovation in the "Four Cities"

In recent years, the Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District have attracted numerous high-tech leading enterprises, creating leading science and technology innovation platforms such as Guangzhou Laboratory and the National Technology Innovation Center of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area. They have also built universities such as Guangzhou Jiaotong University and Huangpu University, accelerated the construction of projects such as the Metaverse, and attracted a wide range of talents. The "Science and Technology Revitalization of the City" is full of vitality and high-quality development momentum. The development experience of Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District shows that building a sound innovation ecosystem, promoting the "five chains" of industry chain, innovation chain, value chain, capital chain, and talent chain, promoting the "five sources" of universities, laboratories, research institutes, enterprise research institutes, and research and development alliances, achieving the "dual wheel drive" of reform and innovation, is an important reason to stimulate the vitality of regional scientific and technological innovation and achieve high-quality development of industry and city.

In the future, Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District can further promote integrated development on the basis of strong industrial development momentum and clustering of innovative elements, build a full process innovation ecological chain, focus on solving innovation bottlenecks, industry bottlenecks, funding breakpoints, and talent bottlenecks faced in development, and promote the "four city integration" of industry, academia, innovation, and gold.

To promote the integration of the "four cities", Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District can closely deploy innovation chains, capital chains, talent chains, and value chains along the industrial chain, continue to strengthen strategic scientific and technological capabilities, enhance the originality of hardcore technology, and enhance the advanced industrial foundation and modernization level of the industrial chain through high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. They can shape new driving forces and advantages for industrial development, comprehensively build the real economy, technological innovation, and modern finance A more competitive modern industrial system with coordinated development of human resources, forward-looking layout and development of future industries, and promoting high-quality development of advanced manufacturing industry.

To promote the integration of the "four cities", Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District can rely on universities, laboratories, research institutes, enterprise research institutes, and research and development alliances to enhance the driving force of innovation subject integration, and conscientiously coordinate the supply and demand of innovation within the area and transform scientific and technological achievements. At the same time, we will build platforms and bonds linking innovation and industrial chains, promote innovation in new research and development institutions through methods such as "horse racing system" and "unveiling system", establish a mechanism for "laying eggs along the way and transforming scientific research achievements on major innovation platforms", connect technology and demand, promote the matching of technology supply and demand, and achieve the integrated development of innovation and industrial chains.

To promote the integration of the "four cities", relevant departments in Guangzhou Development Zone and Huangpu District can organize universities, research institutes, and technology platform institutions to conduct in-depth research, visit more leading enterprises and small and medium-sized technology enterprises in the area, deeply understand the development needs of enterprises, summarize and organize measures such as the construction of science and technology innovation centers, science and technology policies, and science and technology plans (funds, special projects), and conscientiously carry out a list of enterprise technology needs, a list of university scientific and technological achievements The "four major demand lists" of enterprise talent demand list and enterprise financing demand list form a "service package" to serve various innovative entities, and establish a key service enterprise ledger to provide technological innovation services "one-on-one".

Article | Reporter Xu Zhentian Correspondent Zhang Cheng

Image | Li Jianfeng

Source: Yangcheng Evening News - Yangcheng Sect

Editor in Chief | Liang Dongxian

Proofreading | Zhang Jialiang

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