Analyzing the aerodynamic damping of impellers with splitter blades using the fluid solid weak coupling method and its conclusions
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Phonon Coupling - Electrons in CdSe, CdS Cores, and Shell Quantum Dots
Xu Chenyuan's StudyEditor | Xu Chenyuan's StudyWe found that peak CdS frequency affects excitationStrong dependence on energyBetween the experimental frequency of the CdSe+CdS combination band and the sum of the corresponding fundamental frequencyThere is still a huge differenceThis indicates that the main transition at high excitation energy is limited to the CdSe core or CdS shell, and therefore cannot enhance the binding band transition between the core and shellThe Raman intensity ratio of CdS to CdSe further supports this viewpoint. The Phonon of CdSeLO in the Lowest Exciton TransitionElectron phonon coupling is slightly weaker in core/shell structures than in pure CdSe quantum dotsThis is contrary to the expectation of the Frehlich coupling mechanism...
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