Haier Smart Home Leads the Globalization of Appliance Services: Unified Standards, Setting a New Benchmark for Digital Services
Haier Smart Home Leads the Globalization of Appliance Services: Unified Standards, Setting a New Benchmark for Digital ServicesAgainst the backdrop of Chinese home appliance companies actively expanding into overseas markets, industry development has transitioned from product globalization to brand globalization. However, few companies have delved into the globalization of appliance services...
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Sweet Potato Robotics: How a Unified Software and Hardware Computing Platform Accelerates Robotics Industry Development
Sweet Potato Robotics: How a Unified Software and Hardware Computing Platform Accelerates Robotics Industry DevelopmentResearch institutions indicate that the robotics market is experiencing explosive growth. By 2029, the global robotics market is projected to reach $20 billion, with bolder predictions exceeding $100 billion...
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MiniGPT-5 with unified image and text generation: The model can be continued and automatically illustrated
Machine Heart ReportMachine Heart Editorial DepartmentThe OpenAI GPT-5 model seems to be far away, but researchers have already pioneered the innovative visual and language cross generation model MiniGPT-5. This is of great significance for generating images with coherent textual descriptions...
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SpringBoot unified processing: login verification interceptor, exception handling, data format return
Spring Boot AOP HandlerInterceptor + WebMvcConfigurer @RestControllerAdvice + @ExceptionHandler @ControllerAdvice @ResponseBodyAdvice1. Session Session Spring AOP Spring 1...
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