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Zhou Hongyi shares the admission notice of Tsinghua Doctor; OpenAI software engineers earn up to 6.7 million annually

Tech 2023-06-28 17:53:08 Source: Network

Baidu Wenxin Big Model 3.5 already supports plugins and will gradually be open to developersIt is reported that Wang Haifeng, chief technology officer of ERNIE Bot, said that the biggest change of Wenxin's big model 3

Baidu Wenxin Big Model 3.5 already supports plugins and will gradually be open to developersIt is reported that Wang Haifeng, chief technology officer of ERNIE Bot, said that the biggest change of Wenxin's big model 3.5 is the addition of a plug-in mechanism. The default built-in plug-in "Baidu Search" enables Wenxin Yiyan to generate real-time and accurate information; The Long Text Summary and Q&A plugin "ChatFile" supports ultra long text input and more. (China Science Daily)

Musk won the 2023 World Aerospace Summit AwardThe official website of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) recently announced that Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, won the 2023 IAF World Space Award. This is the world's highest aerospace award. The reason for Musk's award is that Mr. Musk has a visionary understanding of the importance of space for the future of humanity and is willing to use his resources, life, efforts, and abilities to achieve his vision through SpaceX. The company has achieved comparable achievements with China National Space Administration in the field of launch vehicles and Human spaceflight, making space affordable and pioneering space for all. (Upstream News)

The global technology industry has set a new record for layoffs, with 210000 technology talents unemployed this yearAccording to data from Layoffs.fyi website, since 2023, more than 210000 employees in the global technology industry have been laid off. This number far exceeds the 154000 population in 2022, and only half a year has passed this year. (IT Home)

OpenAI salary exposure: Software engineers earn up to $925000 per yearAccording to Levels.fyi's data, OpenAI has provided an annual salary of up to 925000 US dollars (note: currently approximately 6.697 million RMB) to attract software engineers to join. This salary includes a base salary of $300000 and a profit participation unit (PPU) of $625000, a unique incentive mechanism created by OpenAI aimed at allowing employees to share the company's future profit potential. Due to the fact that OpenAI is not a typical company and cannot sell its shares, PPU has been adopted to compete with large technology companies for talent. (IT Home)

Is the WeChat file transfer assistant a real person? WeChat team: No one found this personOn June 27th, Tencent's WeChat team issued a statement denying that the "file transfer assistant" was a real person. The Tencent WeChat team stated, "The little secret you sent to the 'file transfer assistant' is only known to yourself." (Daily Economic News)

[Insider: MG India is seeking capital increase and share expansion, SAIC "will not lose control"]Reporters learned from insiders on June 27 that in order to further realize the development of MG India in the local market, SAIC Motor is seeking to cooperate with local Indian enterprises by means of capital increase and share expansion, but SAIC will not lose control of MG India. The day before, SAIC Motor issued a statement saying that the recent reports about "MG India was forcibly acquired shares at a low price by the local government and lost control" seriously deviated from the facts. (Cailian Society)

[Zhou Hongyi was admitted to Tsinghua University at the age of 53 to study for a doctor!]On the evening of June 27, @ Zhou Hongyi posted an article on his microblog saying: "I finally passed the exam and hope 360 Brains will help me graduate successfully." And attached is a photo of Tsinghua's admission notice. According to the notice, Zhou Hongyi was admitted to the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Tsinghua University to pursue a doctoral degree in electronic information (part-time, targeted employment). (Daily Economic News)

[Faraday Future will receive additional funding commitments of up to 105 million dollars in the future]According to the official website of Faraday Future (FFIE. O), Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. has received an additional financing commitment of $90 million and an existing financing commitment of $15 million for advance payment. This round of investment is led by existing investors ATWPartners Fund, with SenyunInternational participating. In addition, independent investment fund Metaverse Horizon Limited (investors including FFGlobalPartners) and VWInvestment Holding Limited, a subsidiary of the company's long-term shareholders, prepaid $25.2 million in unsecured note financing related to their commitment of $100 million in May 2023 and waived corresponding delivery conditions to support the company's development. (Sina Finance)

[Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, said that the report of "this year's target is adjusted to 400000 vehicles" is wrong]On the afternoon of June 27, Li Xiang, CEO of Li Auto, announced on his microblog that today's media reported that our goal for this year was adjusted to 400000 vehicles, which was wrong and groundless. Li Xiang said, "We completed over 130000 vehicles in the first half of the year and have no ability to complete 400000 vehicles throughout the year. Our product, sales, production capacity, and organizational capabilities do not support 400000 vehicles this year, and the gap is still huge. The capability chain of the automotive industry is built step by step, and there are no special shortcuts

Wang Hua, the head of Xiaomi's public relations, stated on his Weibo account that the rumor that "Xiaomi cars start at 149900 yuan and have a range of 800 kilometers" is untrue. Wang Hua added that the earliest source of the information about the pricing of Xiaomi cars was the conjecture information reported by Personal media in May 2022, which was captured by "Xiaoai students". When someone asked a question, "Little Love" directly retrieved the information from the database. (Daily Economic News)

[More than 2000 families collectively ask Aiways for salary: salary arrears exceed 3 months]On June 25, a long article titled "Call for Justice! Nearly 2000 Families Ask Aiways for Collective Salary" came out from the social platform. The article points out that nearly 2000 employees have been in arrears with their wages for more than three months, and their related demands have only been ignored and cannot be answered. They have refused to answer phone calls or even blacklisted, cut salaries, social security, and work endlessly from home. Finally, the long article issued the call sign "Please do not let our demands and voices be ignored, and do not let our pain and difficulties continue to be deeply buried". (Sina Finance)

[Li Auto: the sales volume of Li Auto this month has reached 27300 units, and the monthly sales target of 30000 units is about to be reached]Li Auto: In the 26th week of 2023 (6.19-6.25) just now, the weekly sales volume of Li Auto reached 7500, and the sales volume of ideal L7, ideal L8, and ideal L9 models alone exceeded the sales volume of all models of other new force brands, and continued to lead the new force. As of June 25, the sales volume of Li Auto this month has reached 27300 units, and the monthly sales target of 30000 units is about to be reached. (Sina Finance)

[Tiktok takes out adjustment strategy, focusing on packages above 60 yuan, or avoiding direct competition with Meituan]Tiktok adjusted its business strategy to focus its delivery business on packages above 60 yuan while abandoning the goal of 100 billion yuan GMV. Tiktok's take away may be to avoid direct competition with Meituan and Ele.me's take away platforms. (Tech Planet)

[Cook conceals the fact that China's iPhone demand is declining, and the US judge rejects Apple's request to revoke the Class action suit]The US judge has now rejected Apple's application to revoke a Class action lawsuit, which accuses Apple CEO Tim Cook of deceiving shareholders by concealing the declining demand for iPhones in China.

The case was filed by a shareholder led by a UK pension fund. The lawsuit originated in November 2018 when Cook stated in an analyst conference call that although Apple faced sales pressure in some markets, "I do not believe China belongs to this category. But in reality, Apple notified its suppliers just a few days later to reduce production and lowered its quarterly revenue forecast by up to $9 billion on January 2, 2019 (note: currently approximately RMB 65.16 billion). This is the first time Apple has lowered its revenue forecast since the release of the iPhone in 2007. As a result, its stock price fell by 10% the next day. (IT Home)

[Media: Google terminates AR Smartglasses project and sends AR software]According to BusinessInsider, Google has terminated an AR glasses project. According to three people familiar with the matter, Google shelved a multi year old augmented reality eyewear project (internally codenamed "Iris") earlier this year due to layoffs, restructuring, and the departure of AR/VR director ClayBavor. The Verge website first reported on the project in January 2022, stating that it is similar to a pair of ski goggles. However, Google employees stated that "ski goggles" are actually the foundation of an independent AR project after collaborating with Samsung, while "Iris" is a series of devices that are more like glasses. (IT Home)

[Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank, is developing a Japanese version of ChatGPT. If you cannot embrace AI, you will lose your future]Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank Group, announced at the annual shareholders' meeting on June 21 that the AI revolution was breaking out, and Softbank would "turn the defensive into the offensive". He recently announced that he would develop the Japanese version of ChatGPT, and said that "if you cannot embrace AI, you will lose the future". According to Reuters, Masayoshi Son has organized a team of about 1000 people and is working on the development of the Japanese version of ChatGPT. (Interface)

[Samsung heirs in South Korea borrowed US $3 billion to pay Inheritance tax]Bloomberg News reported on the 26th that as of last month, the survivors of Lee Kun-hee, the former president of South Korea's Samsung, had loaned about $3 billion (about 21.64 billion yuan) to pay huge Inheritance tax. Lee Kun-hee died of illness on October 25, 2020 at the age of 78. After Lee Kun-hee died of illness, his heirs should pay more than 12 trillion won (about 66.5 billion yuan at the current exchange rate) in total Inheritance tax. (Sina Finance)

To prevent leaks, the US Congress explicitly requires employees to only use the paid version of ChatGPTAccording to Axios, the foreign media, the United States House of Representatives is putting forward a new requirement to the Congressional Office: each office is only allowed to use the paid version of ChatGPTPlus. According to Catherine L. Szpindor, the Chief Executive Officer of the US House of Representatives, the $20 per month ChatGPTPlus has "important privacy features necessary to protect House data". In addition, she also stated that except for ChatGPTPlus, offices still do not allow the use of other AI large language models. (IT Home)

Our gene has completed a B-round financing of over 200 million yuanShanghai Bendao Gene Technology Co., Ltd. has completed the B-round financing, which is led by Longpan Investment. Penglai Capital, Tongde Capital, Shanlan Capital, and Chunhe Capital jointly contribute, with a financing amount of over 200 million yuan. Coupled Capital serves as the financial advisor for this financing. This round of financing will assist in the clinical application and research of multiple pipelines under the research of Bendao Gene, further development of new pipelines, as well as base construction and team expansion. (Daily Economic News)

[Timely completion of tens of millions of yuan in Pre A+round financing]Rui Beast Analysis? Stamp here to see more)

Han Te Cloud Completed Ten Million RMB Pre A+Round of FinancingRui Beast Analysis? Stamp here to see more)

Mosaic completed $26 million Series C financingRui Beast Analysis? Stamp here to see more)

[New era Big data completes angel round financing]Rui Beast Analysis? Stamp here to see more)

Microsoft launches ZerO++technology, which can significantly reduce the training time and cost of AI large modelsMicrosoft researchers recently launched a new technology called ZeRO++, which is used to optimize the data transmission cost and Bandwidth throttling problems that are easy to encounter when training large AI models, and can significantly reduce the training time and cost of large models. It is reported that ZerO++builds on existing ZerO transmission technology and provides enhanced communication strategies, which can improve training efficiency while reducing training time and costs. (IT Home)

The world's first AI bare eye 3D tablet, ZTE NubiaPad3D, is available for sale domesticallyOn June 27th, following overseas sales, ZTE's first AI naked eye 3D tablet computer, the nubiaPad3D, finally opened for pre-sale in the domestic public market. On the same day, nubiaPad3D officially opened pre-sales at ZTE Mall for 10999 yuan, and will officially open for sale on June 30th. (Shanghai Securities Journal)

[Shadow Stone Insta360GO3 released, priced from 2298 yuan]

Volkswagen will launch the SSP platform in 2026: with a maximum output of over 1700 horsepower and 80% charging in 12 minutesRecently, at the Volkswagen Investor Report Conference, Volkswagen CEO Obom revealed the new progress of his latest pure electric platform SSP (Scalable Systems Platform), which will be launched in 2026. According to a report from Volkswagen, the SSP platform model will support a power range from 160 horsepower to 1740 horsepower, and support L4 level autonomous driving (note: L4 level autonomous driving, meaning the vehicle can be driven for extended periods of time without driver intervention). In addition, the platform model will be equipped with batteries from Volkswagen subsidiary PowerCO, which can charge from 10% to 80% in 12 minutes. (Global Network)

[RTHK launched the AI weather anchor Aida, whose facial expressions and movements are synthesized by computers]Aida, the AI weather anchor of RTHK, made an official debut and will report the local and global weather conditions in the RTHK Weather Briefing program from June 26. RTHK said on its official Facebook page that the AI anchor "will never eat screws (that is, he gets stuck, forgets words, and cannot speak clearly)". According to relevant sources on the platform, Aida is one of the experimental projects for AI applications on the platform, which took about 3 months to prepare and be produced using AI virtual avatar technology. (IT Home)

[Alipay's new patent enables mobile phone palm swiping payment]On June 27, the patent of "palm based payment processing method and device" applied by Alipay (Hangzhou) Information Technology Co., Ltd. was announced. The patent abstract shows that a palm based payment processing method includes: after obtaining a payment authorization request from a user for self-service order payment through a palm payment channel, determining the target palm image in the user's reference palm image based on the palm type of the palm image collected by the user terminal calling the rear camera, and performing payment authorization on the user based on the palm image and the target palm image. The manual shows that the above user terminals can be mobile phones, tablets, e-book readers, VR based information exchange devices, car terminals, etc. (Hexun Network)

[China Automobile Association: From January to May, BYD's cumulative sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 1 million]According to the statistics and analysis of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, from January to May 2023, the sales of the top ten new energy vehicle sales groups increased by 62.8% year-on-year, accounting for 85% of the total sales of new energy vehicles, which is 8.3 percentage points higher than the same period last year. The entire new energy market is still in a rapid growth stage. Among the ten companies mentioned above, BYD's sales continue to maintain a high growth rate on a high base, with cumulative sales exceeding 1 million vehicles. Ideal, GAC, and FAW all saw year-on-year growth rates exceeding double. (Securities Times)

According to a report from Ovi Cloud Network, this year's air conditioning market can be described as "high opening and stable development, standing out from the dust". During the 618 period, the retail sales of air conditioning through all channels reached 11.95 million units, a year-on-year increase of 35.9%, and sales revenue reached 41.1 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38%. (Times Finance)

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Tag: Zhou Hongyi shares the admission notice of Tsinghua Doctor

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