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Your phone has received this message and must be turned off immediately! Multiple people have already been transferred through 'gaps'

Tech 2023-07-11 05:48:56 Source: Network

With the rise of the technology era, our lives have also undergone significant changes, especially in the field of payment, which has achieved characteristics such as convenience and speed.Just lie in bed and use your fingers to input a six digit password to complete payment transfers, daily expenses, and more

With the rise of the technology era, our lives have also undergone significant changes, especially in the field of payment, which has achieved characteristics such as convenience and speed.

Just lie in bed and use your fingers to input a six digit password to complete payment transfers, daily expenses, and more.

Many people say that this new payment method is convenient and secure because the password is only known by oneself.

However, please note that once the mobile phone receives "this kind of short message", it must not be disorderly. You must immediately turn off or turn on Airplane mode, otherwise your password will be stolen. At present, many people are inexplicably transferred "across the air", causing serious damage to personal property.

What the hell is going on here? Following the article, let's have a detailed understanding.

I don't know if you have encountered this situation, but I often encounter it. Sometimes, my phone will receive some inexplicable verification codes.

And the content of these verification codes is unknown to oneself, involving various benefits, loans, unknown games, and so on.

Basically, I receive more than ten messages every three to five times. Strangely, every time I receive a message, my phone's signal, which was originally a 5G network, suddenly changes to 3G or 2G.

After a while, the mobile network returned to normal. Generally, in this situation, it may be because you accidentally clicked on the links posted in groups or logged into certain websites without knowing it.

Causing personal information to be leaked, your phone to be infected with a virus, and constantly sending verification codes means that criminals use illegal means to steal your identity verification, and then transfer all of your savings.

Many people have to answer any phone call due to work needs, afraid of missing a major customer. Some criminals have taken advantage of this and started to commit fraud.

Sometimes I suddenly receive a phone call that starts with either 0 or a normal number, but after you connect, there is no sound or particularly noisy from the other side. No matter how much I shout, there is no response.

After you hang up, calling again will show that the other party is unable to connect or the number is empty.

This situation indicates that you have already been monitored, and it is likely that in the coming days, you will receive many scam calls, using various script stories to deceive you.

So when we see unfamiliar numbers or numbers starting with 0, it's best not to answer them.

I don't know if you have received such a message. The content is generally divided into three categories. The first category is that you have won the lottery, the second category is colored messages, and the third category is that you receive welfare messages from someone through technology.

These three types of text messages all have one thing in common, with a link at the end. After clicking on it, you need to fill in your ID card, password, and phone verification to receive rewards.

Many people who believe in pie falling from the sky wait for less than half an hour after filling out these personal information, and their bank card deposits are being transferred one by one.

Because this SMS link is actually a Trojan virus and remote operating program built by criminals.

After you click in, the phone has been controlled to be implanted with this Trojan virus program. When entering the verification code, bank card, and password, criminals can transfer your money through backend operations.

It's already too late when you find out, because your money has already circled the world a few times and it's impossible to find it back.

There are various brands of mobile phones on the market now, but these different brands have one thing in common.

There are many built-in software on the phone that cannot be uninstalled at all, and these are all useless software.

But I don't know, this is the routine of mobile phone manufacturers and software companies, because as long as you use these built-in software, there will definitely be consumption items. Once you consume them, the software company will pay a certain fee to the mobile phone manufacturer.

Even if you don't have access to these built-in software, you will often receive advertising messages from these built-in software in your daily life. If you don't pay attention, it's easy to click on a text message with a link.

And this link is a Trojan virus that can cause your phone to be poisoned, personal information to be stolen, and property to be transferred.

Some criminals may impersonate the operator's number and send you some text messages, such as "points redemption", "points are about to be reset, expired and invalid", and so on.

It is difficult to distinguish true from false. Once you log in to the website link he sent, you will be asked to fill in personal information such as bank card number, payment password, mobile phone number, verification code, etc.

Then they will control your phone through the backend and steal your money.

Many people have encountered the above five situations in their daily lives, and some are still victims. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant and do so after receiving these messages.

First, turn off or turn on Airplane mode

When you receive these messages, you obviously feel that the mobile network suddenly becomes very poor. In this case, criminals are using IMSI-catcher to steal your personal information.

Don't panic at this time. You can directly turn on Airplane mode or turn off the phone, because these IMSI-catcher can only implant viruses into your phone through the network.

Turning off or turning on Airplane mode is equivalent to cutting off the network. In this way, criminals will lose the way to steal your personal information.

If the phone has returned to normal after turning on, it indicates that the crisis has been resolved.

The second way is not to click on some unknown websites

When chatting, it is common to see a short video or article sent from the group, with a tempting picture or text on the homepage.

Out of curiosity, many people clicked on this video, but unexpectedly jumped to a website and induced you to install certain apps.

At this point, your phone has been implanted with a password virus, and you often come into contact with colored text messages. Once you click on the link, your money is likely to be transferred, so try not to click on these websites during normal times.

The third method is to quickly freeze the bank card and choose to call the police

If you have already logged into the website, filled in your personal information, and found that your money is being transferred, like this situation, the first time is not to call the police.

Instead, quickly contact the bank's customer service, explain the reason, and freeze your bank card.

Because these criminals cannot transfer all the money in your card at once, but instead divide it into multiple transactions, each with an amount of approximately several thousand yuan.

Freezing bank cards for the first time is also to reduce losses, and then choosing to report to the police. However, it is important to be mentally prepared because your money may be transferred overseas and it is basically difficult to recover.


The The Internet Age has indeed provided us with a lot of convenience, but there are also many routines.

Because every lawbreaker is skilled in psychology and will use human weaknesses to construct some deceptive tricks.

So in life, we should stay away from some strange phones and messages. If we find the above problems, we should turn on Airplane mode or turn off the phone as soon as possible.

I hope everyone can like, bookmark, and forward this so that more people can see it.

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Tag: Your phone has received this message and must be

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