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A woman in Zhejiang is unable to repay a loan of 1.05 million yuan for an Apple phone, with a monthly salary of 3000 yuan, and wants to commit suicide to relieve herself

Tech 2023-07-17 08:31:44 Source: Network

Living in fear and pain every day is really meaningless. It's better to just die

Living in fear and pain every day is really meaningless. It's better to just die. I'm really stupid! "Said Ms. Zhuo, a woman from Zhejiang. In order to purchase an Apple phone, she had to borrow 1.05 million yuan. However, with a monthly salary of only 3000 yuan, she fell into a desperate situation of being unable to repay her debts. Looking at the millions of debts recorded in the ledger, Ms. Zhuo shed tears of regret.

In the dormitory of a factory in Zhejiang, Ms. Zhuo lives with her roommates. One weekend, roommate Xiaolin excitedly displayed an Apple 8 phone, which aroused the envy and longing of Ms. Zhuo. She eagerly looked at the sparkling phone, and a strong desire arose in her heart.

However, when Ms. Zhuo learned about the price of her phone, her face suddenly changed. The price of over 8000 yuan is a huge burden for her, making her feel extremely troubled. Her monthly salary is only 3000 yuan, plus daily expenses and family subsidies, it will be a long time to save enough money.

Ms. Zhuo felt uneasy and began to reflect on her economic and family situation. She knew that her parents were not wealthy and had to rely on herself to support her family. Asking for help from parents is not a good choice. She fell into contradiction and helplessness.

At this moment, on her way back to her dormitory, Ms. Zhuo noticed an advertisement for a loan company on the roadside wall, with a contact number left on it. Her gaze rested on the advertisement, and a thought flashed in her mind: why not try borrowing money.

Ms. Zhuo took out her phone and dialed the contact number on the advertisement. She hesitated for a moment, but still expressed the idea of borrowing money to buy a phone to the other party. The staff on the other end of the phone told her that borrowing is possible, but the company needs to deduct handling fees and deposits. The actual loan amount received is only 5000 yuan, but interest still needs to be calculated based on the principal of 8000 yuan when repaying. The loan term is 10 weeks, and the total principal and interest repayment per week is 890 yuan.

Ms. Zhuo hesitated when she heard this condition. She knows this is not an ideal choice, but the temptation of the Apple 8 phone makes it difficult for her to resist. In the end, she made up her mind to go to the loan company.

Soon, Ms. Zhuo signed a loan contract in duplicate with the loan company. She felt nervous and excited inside because she knew it meant she was about to have her dream Apple 8 phone. On the same day, she received a loan of 5000 yuan, and although she understood that it meant she would be burdened with more debt, at this moment, these were all hidden by her deep desire.

Ms. Zhuo happily walked out of the phone store, clutching the brand new Apple 8 phone in her hand, filled with joy and satisfaction in her heart. She thought she had finally achieved her wish, and this dream phone would accompany her through the wonderful times.

However, when the repayment date came, Ms. Zhuo's mood began to change. She realized that her salary was far from covering the weekly loan amount, and she began to feel the pressure and troubles brought by life. Every time the repayment date approached, her mood became heavy, as if she had fallen into a nightmare like life.

Ms. Zhuo realized that she was trapped in a vortex of debt. However, she could have barely maintained her repayment by prepaying her salary in advance, but unfortunately, the factory recently introduced new regulations prohibiting employees from prepaying their salaries in advance, which prevented Ms. Zhuo from continuing to repay the remaining loans. She felt trapped in numerous difficulties, as if tightly bound by an invisible layer of constraints.

Faced with the debt that could not be repaid, Ms. Zhuo had no choice but to request a grace period from the loan company. However, her request was rejected. The staff of the loan company suggested that she borrow money from other loan companies to repay her existing debts. Although this suggestion may seem unreliable, Ms. Zhuo felt that she had no other choice. She let go of her concerns and decided to try this method.

At the suggestion of the first loan company, Ms. Zhuo took the risk of borrowing money from the second loan company to repay the first company's debt. However, this did not solve the problem and instead made the situation worse. The debt accumulated like a snowball, and Ms. Zhuo found herself trapped in a vicious cycle that she couldn't escape.

In order to cover the debt of the previous company, Ms. Zhuo once again borrowed money from a third lending company. She felt powerless to recover, but her debt was getting higher and higher, reaching a staggering 1.05 million yuan in total. Ms. Zhuo was in a desperate situation, feeling the pressure of despair as if endless darkness had engulfed her.

In this predicament, loan companies that did not receive repayment began to use violent means to collect debts. They found Ms. Zhuo's workplace and harassed her parents, forcing her to quit her job and avoid these threats and harassment. Ms. Zhuo felt guilty and painful as she watched her elderly parents being implicated, filled with remorse and endless pain in her heart.

Ms. Hongzhuo has decided to end this painful life by committing suicide. She picked up her phone and trembling, dialed her parents' phone.

Ms. Zhuo's voice was filled with tears, and she confided in her parents about her stupidity and blindness, feeling irreparable despair. She told her parents that she was ready to end her life, hoping to be able to relieve this pain.

The parents heard their daughter's voice and felt heartbroken, immediately comforting her. They knew that Ms. Zhuo was in trouble, but they did not blame her. On the contrary, they understood that this was the result of the loan company's trap and immediately proposed to report to the police. Parents say that only through the power of the law can problems be solved, and they encourage Ms. Zhuo to face them bravely and provide her with a sense of security and support.

With the persuasion and support of her parents, Ms. Zhuo felt a warmth in her heart. She realized that giving up the idea of suicide was the right choice and decided to follow her parents' advice and immediately report to the police. She understands that only through legal means can she protect her legitimate rights and get rid of difficulties.

After reporting to the police, the public security organs quickly launched an investigation. Ms. Zhuo provided loan books and contracts as evidence, which showed that the interest charged by the loan company far exceeded the legal maximum interest rate. After investigation and examination, the public security organs have determined that Ms. Zhuo's statement is true and the loan company is suspected of illegally charging high interest rates.

In order to protect Ms. Zhuo's legitimate rights and interests, the public security organs summoned the person in charge of the loan company. Faced with the serious attitude and pressure from the public security organs, the loan company was forced to compromise. They agreed to charge interest to Ms. Zhuo at the statutory interest rate and promised to stop any form of violent collection. This result is a victory for Ms. Zhuo and a just response to the injustice she has suffered.

Ms. Zhuo's experience reminds everyone to remain vigilant and understand their rights and responsibilities in financial transactions. Through in-depth thinking and reasonable decision-making, we can avoid falling into similar difficulties and protect the future of ourselves and our families. This story hopes that every reader can learn from it and become a conscious and rational decision-maker of the law.

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Tag: to of yuan woman in Zhejiang is unable repay

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