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Google once spent billions of dollars requesting Samsung phones to preset their search services!

Tech 2023-10-09 22:16:14 Source: Network

In a recent court lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice accusing search engines of violating market monopolies, in addition to revealing that Microsoft had planned to sell the BingSearch service to Apple as the default search engine for iOS devices, the trial documents also showed that Google had made Google Search the default search engine for Apple and Samsung devices at the cost of nearly $10 billion per year.Patrick Chang, a former head of Samsung's venture capital department who used to work in the past, said that Google had signed an agreement with Samsung to make Google Search the default search engine for Samsung phones and prevent other search engines from becoming other search service choices for Samsung phones

In a recent court lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice accusing search engines of violating market monopolies, in addition to revealing that Microsoft had planned to sell the BingSearch service to Apple as the default search engine for iOS devices, the trial documents also showed that Google had made Google Search the default search engine for Apple and Samsung devices at the cost of nearly $10 billion per year.

Patrick Chang, a former head of Samsung's venture capital department who used to work in the past, said that Google had signed an agreement with Samsung to make Google Search the default search engine for Samsung phones and prevent other search engines from becoming other search service choices for Samsung phones.

According to Patrick Chang, during his tenure at Samsung, his main job was to find startups with investment value. At that time, he planned to add services provided by Branch, the predecessor of BranchMetrics, to Samsung phones to provide deeper application search capabilities and make it easier for users to find the desired applications.

However, according to the cooperation agreement between Samsung and Google, the services provided by Branch on mobile phones must be adjusted, including content search functionality based on network connectivity. At the same time, Branch also needs to provide annual updates to AT& Telecom companies such as T pay fees to ensure that their Samsung phones cannot use Branch services as the default search engine.

In the lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice, Google is accused of using illegal contracts to exclude competitors, thereby harming the interests of consumers and advertisers, and hindering fair competition opportunities for more startups. However, Google argues that its cooperation with companies such as Apple and Samsung is mainly aimed at providing services to specific customers, and emphasizes that the market chooses to use their services because of convenience. They stated that in many collaborations, additional options are provided and not limited to using their services.

Currently, it is expected that all testimony statements will end in November and both sides will engage in debate. According to predictions, further closure and judgment may not be made until 2024 at the earliest.

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