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Suggestion from someone who came over: Don't buy these 7 types of TVs even if they are cheap! Not picky, it's really not suitable

Tech 2023-10-20 19:14:50 Source: Network

#Headline Creation Challenge#When buying a TV, many friends may consider the price. Compare different prices and buy some cheap televisions

#Headline Creation Challenge#

When buying a TV, many friends may consider the price. Compare different prices and buy some cheap televisions.

Although the price of televisions is getting lower and lower nowadays, it is possible to buy them for very little money.

However, there are some televisions that we recommend not to buy even if they are cheap. It's really not picky, it's really not suitable for home use!

Do you know which types of televisions you shouldn't buy even if they are cheap?

The first type of TV, no matter how cheap it is, is not recommended for everyone to purchase. It is a TV that is advertised when turned on.

Speaking of this, I believe many friends have deeply experienced it.

Especially with the increasing intelligence of televisions, it has been found that the time for turning on advertisements is getting longer and more, and the number of advertisements is getting more and more annoying.

So, when choosing a TV, in addition to focusing on its hardware, we also need to pay attention to the software issues of the TV.

It is not recommended to purchase products that are advertised for startup:

And these advertisements are basically repetitive, making you increasingly annoyed as you read them.

Also, many programs require members to watch, which is also very annoying.

Recommended practice:

If we find that there are advertisements after starting up, then we should not choose again.

This type of brand, which has no advertising when turned on, allows us to see a clean and pure TV, which is indeed quite comfortable.

The second type of TV, which is even cheaper and not recommended for everyone to purchase, is a miscellaneous TV.

At present, there are still many TV brands in the market, many of which are well-known and familiar to everyone, and some are unfamiliar.

Due to the production technology of televisions being not particularly complex, there are some miscellaneous televisions appearing in the market.

The biggest advantage of a mixed brand TV is its price advantage, which is its affordability.

For example, for a 75 inch TV, the brand's TV may cost 4000 to 5000 yuan; And a low-end TV may only cost 2000-3000 yuan, with a price difference of nearly double.

However, even so, it is not recommended for everyone to purchase a low-end TV:

You may not be able to tell it by simply watching fake TVs. If you compare them, you will find that the resolution of fake TVs is really not very good.

For some low-end TVs, quality control may not be very good because they are designed to reduce costs. So, it may not take long to break.

Recommended practice:

If you want to buy a living room TV, choose a mid to high-end size that is as large as possible, and the price should be controlled at around 7000 or 8000 yuan.

Low end products such as entry-level televisions from many well-known brands are also very affordable.

The third type of TV that is even cheaper and not recommended for everyone to purchase is a fake 4K TV.

Television sets are divided into different types based on their resolution.

At present, the mainstream TV in the market is 4K TV. However, 4K is further divided into true 4K and false 4K.

When making a purchase, everyone should never buy fake 4K for cheap.

Because the difference between true 4K and false 4K is really significant:

The recognition method is also very simple, which is to look at the parameters. True 4K is an RGB screen.

Recommended guidelines:

The fourth type of TV that is even cheaper and not recommended for everyone to purchase is a small memory TV.

Many friends have reported a situation where the TV at home slows down and even stutters as they watch it.

For friends who enjoy watching live competitive sports or playing games, the experience is clearly superior to WeChat.

One of the important reasons for this issue is the issue of the TV's memory.

If the memory of the TV is small, you will find that the response speed of the TV is slow.

So, it is not recommended to purchase a TV with small memory.

A TV with small memory, although cheap, has many problems:

Especially friends who play games have very high requirements for this. Actually, this is similar to the running memory of a mobile phone.

You will find that many televisions nowadays have to install their own applications, but the memory is small and cannot be installed, which is very awkward.

Recommended practice:

For the running memory of the TV, it is recommended to choose a size greater than 2GB; Try not to choose anything smaller than 2G.

It is recommended to choose storage memory larger than 16GB, and for storage memory smaller than 16GB, choose not to.

The fifth type of TV, which is even cheaper and not recommended for everyone to purchase, is a TV without motion compensation.

The motion compensation of a television is a crucial technology to ensure smooth and non jerky graphics.

Compared to traditional LCD TVs, most of them do not have motion compensation, so when we watch programs, we are prone to stuttering and ghosting.

After the TV has motion compensation, it can improve the phenomenon of stagnation and ghosting during operation:

For example, when we watch a football game, if we don't have sports compensation and suddenly get stuck, it can be very uncomfortable.

Especially when playing competitive games, you will find it very smooth and there will be no delays.

Recommended guidelines:

So when purchasing a TV, if the price is high, you can consider purchasing a low-end version.

When choosing, be sure to choose one with motion compensation.

The sixth type of TV, which is even cheaper and not recommended for purchase, is a TV under 60 inches.

The TV mentioned here mainly refers to the TV in our living room, rather than the TV hanging in the bedroom.

For televisions, there are still many sizes. Traditional televisions may have 17 inch and 25 inch sizes, which are currently rare. At present, most of them are 40 inches, 50 inches, and up to 100 inches.

For televisions of different sizes, the living room area and viewing size are actually different.

Actually, there is a requirement for viewing distance here. So, it's not that the larger the size of the TV, the better it will be placed in our home.

However, if the TV size is too small and placed in the living room, it is also not good:

If the living room is slightly larger, you will find that the TV is very inconspicuous and particularly out of place.

The viewing distance below 60 inches is approximately 2.5 meters. If the distance is far, it may be tiring to watch.

Recommended guidelines:

Due to different sizes, its viewing distance varies.

So the TV should neither appear too large nor too small, and the appropriate size is the best.

The seventh type of TV, which is even cheaper and not very recommended for everyone to purchase, is a TV set priced below 1000 yuan.

Perhaps some friends have bought TV sets that are particularly small in size or on special promotions in order to make ends meet.

The prices of these types of televisions are indeed very cheap, with some only a few hundred yuan.

For these televisions priced below 1000 yuan, I personally do not recommend purchasing them.

As for the reasons for this, they are as follows:

Moreover, these types of televisions are non refundable and non exchangeable, and if there are any issues, the money will be wasted.

Television sets priced under a thousand yuan are mostly under 50 inches, making it difficult to place them in the living room. Most of them are placed in the bedroom.

Especially if you buy those cheap sample machines, you may find that they may break down within a few years. Although it doesn't cost much money, there's no need to waste it like this.

Recommended guidelines:

This type of TV is available from various brands, with good results and is a legitimate and qualified product.

Too cheap, not effective; Those high-end televisions may cost tens of thousands.

Write at the end of the text

Choosing a home TV, although the more money you spend, the better the TV may be, the lower the cost-effectiveness.

Moreover, there are some televisions that are really not worth buying, but after buying them, the viewing rate is extremely low and they become decorations.

So, in this article, I have shared with you seven types of TVs. No matter how cheap they are, we don't recommend buying them. They are really not suitable for household use.

Original text, images sourced from the internet, deleted upon infringement contact

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Tag: Suggestion from someone who came over Don buy these

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