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The American general asked Musk: How can we defeat China?

Tech 2023-10-25 09:50:48 Source: Network

How to defeat China? "This question is probably a question that senior US officials ponder day and night. In fact, the answer to this question was given by the world's richest man, Musk, three years ago, but the result was a silence inside and outside the board

How to defeat China? "This question is probably a question that senior US officials ponder day and night. In fact, the answer to this question was given by the world's richest man, Musk, three years ago, but the result was a silence inside and outside the board.

As a visionary scientist and entrepreneur in today's world, what is Musk's answer?

Smart Man Musk

Many people believe that companies such as Starchain and Tesla under Musk are American companies, and he is also an American. But in fact, he is a businessman born in South Africa, with triple citizenship of South Africa, Canada, and the United States.

Musk's father is of Dutch and British mixed race. At that time, many foreigners came to South Africa to participate in government construction. His father is a senior engineer working in South Africa.

Her mother is a famous Canadian model and a talented woman who combines beauty and wisdom. His mother also holds multiple identities as a nutritionist and writer.

However, his parents did not bring him a happy family. The parents divorced because their father had a new partner, which also had a certain impact on Musk's outlook on life.

Perhaps due to inheriting the excellent genes of his parents, Musk has been different from his peers since childhood. He often conducts scientific experiments with the help of his father, and sometimes imitates his mother's thinking about life.

Soon, Musk's talent was revealed. At the age of 12, he used his self-taught programming skills to design software on the first computer he purchased with pocket money and sponsorship from his father.

While other children were still playing, Musk earned his first $500 in life by selling his designed space game.

From then on, Musk embarked on a journey of "cheating". When he moved in with his mother and graduated from Queen's University of Canada, he became a Canadian citizen for the first time. Subsequently, he received a scholarship to study at the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Unexpectedly, the day after he entered Stanford University to pursue a doctoral degree in applied physics, he left the school and embarked on his entrepreneurial journey.

Musk's entrepreneurial journey seems to be smooth sailing. Firstly, the internet technology company founded by him and his younger brother was acquired for $300 million. Then, he entered online payment and earned $165 million by selling the company's shares.

Later, Musk ventured into multiple technological fields and gradually established his own financial empire. Now Musk not only owns an internet company, but also a technology company that converts human brain consciousness into electronic information, a photovoltaic company dedicated to using photovoltaic technology to produce clean energy, a tunnel company that mines tunnels underground to overcome traffic congestion, and maglev technology. A super high-speed railway company that utilizes capsule high-speed rail to achieve high-speed travel.

Of course, there are also star chain technology that has made them famous worldwide, as well as space travel companies with reusable rocket technology that the US government is seeking cooperation with.

Among many companies, Tesla, which people see the most, is the only one with the lowest technological content.

From the sky to the earth, from the internet to transportation, he has mastered everything in the industry. His personal wealth has reached 192.3 billion US dollars, becoming the world's richest person.

It can be said that Musk has the ability to accurately determine the direction of world development, or he is a person who is good at grasping the pulse of development. Some even call him an "entrepreneur who changes people's lifestyles". So, what opportunities are there to answer the question of "how to defeat China"? What is the answer?

Musk's answer is surprising

In 2020, a seminar was held in San Francisco, USA, mainly discussing the introduction of military civilian technology into military aerospace technology.

This seminar attracted US military officials, numerous outstanding researchers, and outstanding entrepreneurs from private enterprises. Musk, of course, was one of them, and he was interviewed as an important guest on stage.

As a well-known practitioner in the US aerospace industry, Musk reduced the cost of launching satellites with the help of reusable launch vehicles;

At the same time, it has also built many satellite systems that countries cannot achieve through the efforts of private companies. Therefore, Musk is a very strong person in integrating personal technology into space competition.

In the interview, a US Lieutenant General named Thompson discussed with Musk the future development direction of the Air Force, and Musk made surprising remarks. He stated that the era of fighter jets will become a thing of the past, and the future will be dominated by drones.

Musk believes that the only thing the United States can compete with advanced drones is the most expensive F35. Musk's viewpoint can be said to have surprised everyone present and demonstrated his extraordinary insight. But his next answer made the atmosphere quiet for a long time.

Thompson posed a quite sharp question to Musk: What do you think the United States should do now to defeat China?

After a moment of silence, Musk gave the answer: If the United States wants to defeat China, it must continue to work hard on technological innovation and maintain a more "radical" attitude.

The implied meaning of F35 Musk is that the United States is now lagging behind China in its proud high-tech field. Of course, this answer was difficult for the military, researchers, and businessmen to accept, and the audience fell into silence for a moment. And Musk's next words showed recognition of China's technology and national strength.

Musk believes that the decline of the United States is not a danger of the past, but a danger that is gradually happening today. If the United States cannot maintain sustained innovation, not only in space technology, but also in other technologies, the United States will not be left behind.

Musk also made predictions for China's economic development in the coming years, believing that the Chinese economy will be two to three times faster than the United States.

Musk's statement must have been a heavy blow to everyone present, as it not only weakened America's arrogance, but also sounded an alarm for America.

The Attitude of 'Smart People' towards China

In fact, Musk's attitude towards China has always been "ambiguous" and can even be said to be more pro China. He himself has repeatedly admitted that 'he is a bit pro Chinese'. Judging from Musk's words and actual actions, he is not just talking.

As early as 2019, after visiting Tesla's Shanghai factory, Musk overlooked the potential impact. He publicly expressed surprise at China's super construction capabilities on Twitter and expressed disapproval of Tesla. Very satisfied with the infrastructure of the factory;

He also stated that he is very optimistic about the Chinese market and is prepared to continue increasing investment in Shanghai and building a new Tesla factory.

During his trip to Shanghai, Musk fully emphasized China's urban planning, policies, and environmental achievements. He also stated that cities around the world should learn from China's urban planning. He also suggested that the United Nations Environmental Protection Organization refer to China's urban planning. Experience in environmental protection work.

As a leader in China's constantly developing electric vehicle industry, Musk once told Tesla's business manager in China that China not only has huge market potential, but also has significant advantages in the electric vehicle development industry compared to other countries. He suggested that Tesla engage in various exchanges and cooperation with Chinese companies.

He also made it clear in his tweet that China has taken a leading position in renewable energy industries such as wind and solar energy, as well as electric vehicle technology. This is an undeniable fact.

Musk also gave speeches at Chinese universities multiple times and answered academic questions raised by Chinese students.

He was also amazed by the achievements of China's higher education. He believes that the students trained by Chinese universities can provide great help for China's development.

When the Chinese higher education epidemic broke out, Musk voluntarily donated necessary ventilators and many masks to China, despite the expression of some hostility from the United States and American companies towards China. There are even rumors that the US government is not satisfied with Musk's performance..

Musk's stance on China also sparked a "rebellion" by the US government. In an interview with British media in 2022, he immediately proposed "recognizing Taiwan as a special administrative region of China can prevent potential conflicts in Taiwan".

This year, Musk even publicly stated that "Taiwan was originally a part of China, and the United States is obstructing cross-strait reunification of China".

In response, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China also emphasized Musk's correct understanding and criticized the United States' political tactics.

Overall, Musk's evaluation of 'pro China' is quite appropriate. He has shown a very strong "pro China" position both in terms of the level of scientific and technological development and on the Taiwan, China issue.

Some people believe that Musk praised China mainly because it has a large commercial market, but he overlooked a major issue, which is what Musk said, "China is no longer what it used to be.

In the past decade, China has made rapid progress in fields such as artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, new energy, new materials, and aerospace, and still maintains a strong development momentum to this day. This is the essence of successful entrepreneurs that Musk sees clearly.

No matter what attitude the US authorities and politicians hold towards China's development, it is impossible to conceal the fact that China is rapidly rising.

Musk saw China's advantages and leading trends from the perspective of successful entrepreneurs. Whether he has ulterior motives or sincere evaluations, this can only prove that the progress of our country is beyond anyone's reach. A trend that is difficult to control.

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