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People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

Tech 2023-10-30 08:16:31 Source: Network

Some people say that living alone is a kind of advanced freedom: you can choose what you like to eat without worrying about others' tastes; When sleeping, change positions without worrying about crowding; You can go out or stay at home as long as you likeIn fact, living alone can also bring some negative effects, in addition to being lonely, it is also not conducive to physical health. Studies have shown that people living alone may have a higher risk of cancer death

Some people say that living alone is a kind of advanced freedom: you can choose what you like to eat without worrying about others' tastes; When sleeping, change positions without worrying about crowding; You can go out or stay at home as long as you like

In fact, living alone can also bring some negative effects, in addition to being lonely, it is also not conducive to physical health. Studies have shown that people living alone may have a higher risk of cancer death.

Life Times(Search for "LT0385" on WeChat to follow)Based on this research and expert opinions, summarize the pros and cons of living alone and teach you how to ensure health and safety when living alone.

Individuals living alone have a higher risk of cancer death

Recently, researchers from the American Cancer Society published a paper showing that living alone increases the risk of cancer. Compared to those living with others, adults living alone have a 32% higher risk of cancer death, with 38% higher for males and 30% higher for females living alone.

Researchers analyzed data from 473000 participants aged 18-64 in the United States, with 24% living alone. During a 22 year follow-up period, a total of 8729 cancer deaths were recorded, including 2905 individuals living alone.

When researchers analyzed by age, they found that the risk of cancer death varied with age, with individuals aged 18-44 having a 10% higher risk of cancer death, individuals aged 45-54 having a 31% higher risk of cancer death, and individuals aged 55-64 having a 38% higher risk of cancer death.

The risks and benefits of living alone

Professor Ren Yuan from the Population Research Institute of Fudan University once stated in an interview that in China, one person household is mainly composed of two parts: one for young people and one for elderly people.

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, in 2018, the number of single young people in China reached 240 million, of which over 77 million were living alone; According to the China Statistical Yearbook 2022, the total population aged 65 and above in China in 2021 was 205.6 million, with one person households accounting for 17% of the total household size.

Someone may choose to live alone for two possible reasons:

Avoiding conflicts caused by trivial matters

According to an online survey report, the happiness of the "90s generation" living alone exceeds that of loneliness; According to the sixth national population census data in 2010, nearly half of the elderly who are physically healthy are more willing to live independently from their children.

In some families, the routines and habits of the elderly and young people are different, and living separately is not easy to cause conflicts due to trivial life matters.

More emphasis on self-worth

More emphasis on self-worth

Living alone can also bring some psychological and physiological challenges, and may even face safety risks:

Difficult to call for help in case of an accident

Zhang Gaigai, deputy chief physician of the Department of Geriatrics of Beijing Huaxin Hospital, said that the elderly usually suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes. If an acute myocardial infarction or hypoglycemia occurs, it is easy to cause limb disorders, confusion, fainting, etc.

Young people also face this issue. There have been times when young people living alone were trapped in the bathroom for decades, and a 42 year old man passed away in a rented house one month before being discovered by the landlord

A stronger sense of loneliness

China Youth Daily conducted a survey of 2000 people, and 57.9% of "empty nest youth" expressed a lack of emotional support.

Professor Tang Yonglong from the Psychology Department of Southwest University stated that some elderly people living alone do not like to go out due to aging physical functions. Over time, they may experience anxiety, loneliness, and even pessimism and depression, which no one can explain.

Unhealthy lifestyle

It's easy for a person to make do with it, with one meal after another, a low nutritional quality diet, and less exercise at home. Long term living like this can be harmful to health.

Living alone, how to do healthier things

In fact, being forced to live alone is the only thing to worry about. According to a survey, most young people who live alone voluntarily choose to live alone. The reasons for elderly people living alone are mainly related to widowhood and empty nests.

How can one ensure health and safety when living alone, whether active or passive?

young people

young people

It is recommended that individuals living alone do the following:

Try to organize your life in an orderly manner, cultivate one or two hobbies, and constantly enrich your learning;

Get together with friends once a month, organize regular group outings, and adhere to exercising three times a week;

Learn to mix meals reasonably and avoid eating takeout and junk food;

You can keep pets, flowers, etc. to express your emotions.

Middle-aged people

young peopleMiddle-aged people

It is recommended that such solitary individuals do four things well:

Learn to take good care of oneself, especially in the past when one overly relies on the care of another in the family. After living alone, one should also exercise their ability to take care of themselves.

By focusing on oneself and eliminating the constraints of daily life, one can enhance professional skills, invest in oneself, and pursue better development.

Reduce meaningless socializing and leave more time for loved ones.

Divorced or widowed individuals who still want to form a family can actively expand their social circle.

old people

Elderly people are often passive, such as their children working outside without anyone to take care of them. Of course, some elderly people are more willing to live alone, but their children may feel uneasy.

For elderly people living alone, there are several key points to a safe life:

Prepare daily necessities such as medical bags, crutches, and portable carts, and install anti-skid facilities in bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and other places; Regularly communicate with children and relatives to keep them updated.

Regularly go to the hospital for physical examination every year, and patients with chronic diseases should take medication and undergo re examination on time; Report any disability related issues to the neighborhood committee or community.

Establish a social circle that allows for more communication with family, friends, and neighbors around you; You can also find something within your capabilities to actively participate in public welfare organizations, which can not only serve society but also increase your sense of self-worth.

Looking for happiness again, some studies suggest that marriage is an effective means for elderly people to overcome loneliness in their old age and pursue a happy life in their later years. In old age, they can still have romance.


old peopleold people

old people

Feeling fatigued;

There is a sense of resistance (it feels difficult to climb the stairs one level);

Coexistence of more than 5 diseases;

Within a year, the weight loss exceeds 5%.

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