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JD's 001 courier: The boss promised to buy a house after working for 5 years. What happened afterwards

Tech 2023-05-22 01:46:27 Source: Network

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Speaking of Liu Qiangdong, I believe many people will not be unfamiliar.

Whether it's the entrepreneurial experience of becoming the top e-commerce CEO in China as a grassroots comeback, or the marriage and love story of marrying Zhang Zetian, the "milk tea sister" who caused a lot of online discussion due to her innocent appearance at the age of 41.

Liu Qiangdong has always been a popular figure talked about by the public after lunch.

However, when most people talk about Liu Qiangdong, they are more moved by his humble character and his brotherly attitude towards company employees.

Treating employees as' brothers' and making high welfare promises to them is a corporate philosophy that Liu Qiangdong has always followed. In his career, he has made many promises, but only once to a single employee.

And the employee who was personally promised by the big boss to "buy a house after working for five years" is JD's 001 courier Jin Yichai.

Establishment of JD's logistics system under a chaotic situation

Buying household appliances, going to JD.com "is a phrase that often appears in TV advertisements and street slogans.

As a self operated e-commerce enterprise, JD.com stands out in the competition for home appliance sales with Alibaba and Pinduoduo, which now has a strong user base. The consensus among the vast majority of consumers is that "buying digital electronic devices requires JD.com".

However, the key to JD's ability to establish a "reliable, high-end, and consumer centered" corporate image in the minds of the public, allowing consumers who choose online shopping to choose to open JD Mall without hesitation when purchasing some "large items" such as home appliances, lies in JD's two major advantages of "quality control services" and "logistics delivery".

JD.com began to make significant strides into the e-commerce field in 2004, adapting to the e-commerce market through several years of integration.

In 2007, Liu Qiangdong and a group of JD leaders decided to open up their own logistics channels to cooperate with JD's comprehensive development of e-commerce.

The leaders of JD.com have many personal considerations for deciding to set up logistics companies in unfamiliar fields.

At that time, the domestic logistics transportation market was monopolized by several leading logistics companies. To carry out the transportation and distribution of goods after e-commerce transactions were reached, it was necessary to reach a cooperation agreement with the logistics company, outsourcing the logistics transportation tasks of the enterprise to professional logistics companies.

However, friends who are familiar with economics should know that monopolistic behavior by enterprises in a certain market area can bring many adverse effects to the market and consumers.

For example, monopolistic enterprises can freely adjust the prices of their goods or services, profiting from them.

For example, out of confidence in occupying market share, monopolistic enterprises may neglect to improve production efficiency and make further development plans without competition.

In the logistics market of the past few years, the above problems arose due to the monopoly operation of several logistics companies. At that time, the logistics system was chaotic, with each company having its own logistics regulations, making it extremely inconvenient for consumers to send and retrieve items.

In addition, due to the inadequate legal system for the logistics industry in the country at that time, the work attitude of logistics staff was not positive, and incidents of violent unloading causing damage to goods often occurred. Consumers were also unable to protect their rights at that time.

Liu Qiangdong, who has strong foresight for market development, knows that in order for JD's e-commerce business to proceed smoothly, a sound self built logistics system must be established.

So in 2007, after officially renaming JD Multimedia Network to JD Mall. In July of the same year, JD.com began building its own logistics system, with Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou being the initial logistics distribution destinations identified by JD.com.

Joined JD Logistics as employee 001 and received praise from superiors for taking work seriously

Establishing a company requires both start-up funds and employees.

For logistics companies, riding a small car through the streets to deliver packages to every recipient is even more indispensable and in great demand.

So in order to enable the newly established logistics system to be officially put into operation and develop as soon as possible, JD has started issuing a large number of recruitment notices, recruiting employees from various types of work.

At the age of 30, Jin Yichai joined JD Logistics after seeing the recruitment inspiration posted on the street wall, becoming the first employee with JD Logistics number "001".

Back then, JD Logistics had just started, and the hardware infrastructure of the enterprise was not particularly perfect.

Due to the small storage warehouse, mediocre brand of logistics transportation vehicles, and the relatively small industry reputation, many job seekers are worried that working as a courier at JD Logistics will be a difficult job with low salary and unclear future development prospects, and are unwilling to pursue this job opportunity.

After all, the establishment and deregistration of a company is like an accident caused by an old illness or death. Who knows what kind of newly established JD Logistics can operate in the fiercely competitive logistics market for several years.

But Jin Yichai doesn't have so many scruples. This job is not enough, and it's best to switch jobs. Moreover, the benefits of JD Logistics recruitment are much better than the various heavy manual labor jobs they have previously engaged in. There must always be the first person to eat crabs, so why can't this person be themselves?

So after jotting down the interview location on the recruitment inspiration, Jin Yichai changed into a more formal outfit and went to the interview location with a slightly "lonely" heart that was not afraid of failure.

After a brief self introduction and communication with HR, Jin Yichai was hired on the spot. HR informed him of some work time related matters and content requirements, and asked him to officially start working the next day, with his salary starting from the next day.

Jin Yichai comes from a rural background and is born with a touch of farmer's simplicity and steadfastness.

When he was young, he would help his parents with some agricultural work. After dropping out of school due to family economic reasons and working in society, Jin Yichai also implemented his diligent and capable work attitude to the end, and he could conscientiously carry on any dirty or tiring work.

After joining JD Logistics, his hardworking virtues were fully demonstrated. At that time, JD Logistics had just been established, and everything was trying to move forward through exploration. The company was still like this, not to mention the employees below.

As one of the few express delivery personnel at JD at that time, Jin Yichai was responsible for the logistics and distribution work in the lakeside area with a large area and a large number of customers.

The huge workload caused Jinyi Finance and Accounting to work very hard. He had to fully charge the logistics and transportation tricycles sent to him by the company on time every day. The next morning, he put on the bright red JD work clothes and drove the tricycles to shuttle through the streets and alleys to deliver express to customers, starting his own work.

At the end of the day, Jin Yichai often sweats all over his body, and his throat becomes dry, swollen, and hoarse due to the need to communicate with clients on the phone. He also has to drive a tricycle outdoors all the time, and the wind and sun have caused Jin Yichai's hands and face to crack and peel.

Jin Yichai's wife deeply sympathizes with her husband, but Jin Yichai himself is accustomed to this.

He knows that the salary offered by the company is higher than that of other colleagues, and the leaders also appreciate him and often ask him if he has encountered any problems in his work.

Jin Yichai, who is used to suffering, believes that driving a tricycle to deliver and make phone calls is not an extremely difficult task to complete, so Jin Yichai has been working diligently in his position.

Moreover, the simple Jin Yichai not only does his job of delivering express delivery well, but also promotes the various benefits and preferential treatment of being a courier at JD Logistics to his friends. He will also give customers a big smile and warmly say, "Thank you for choosing JD. I wish you a happy life and look forward to seeing you next time

With the efforts of Jinyicai, the number of couriers under JD Logistics in his region has increased significantly compared to before. Many consumers have also been moved by his enthusiastic and serious service attitude, and have started to choose more to shop on JD Mall, collect goods or send them through JD Express.

The nature of his job has caused him to repeatedly face difficulties from clients, and he cannot bear to resign. The CEO personally seeks to retain him

We often say that we should be more tolerant and considerate of delivery and delivery boys, as they are vulnerable groups in the service industry.

Complaints from consumers, penalties from platforms or companies, can easily cause their hard work day's income to be lost.

Moreover, more often than not, they also face accusations and difficulties from some ill tempered consumers.

Even though our social and economic development has greatly improved compared to before, the quality of our citizens has generally improved.

But some people have no brains to vent their emotions on the delivery and delivery guys, and complaints of disrespect, abuse, and malice still occur from time to time.

Ten years ago, when Jin Yichai first entered the logistics and express delivery industry, such incidents were even more common.

JD has high requirements for logistics and distribution in order to create an enterprise advantage.

For example, in JD's express delivery, in addition to obtaining customer consent and allowing customers to pick it up themselves. In general, the courier must personally deliver the package to the customer's doorstep after coordinating the time with the customer, achieving "door-to-door delivery" and "face-to-face receipt".

This has led to JD's delivery guys having to make a phone call in advance to negotiate a delivery time with customers every time they deliver a package.

Sometimes, after discussing the time with the customer, they work hard to carry heavy goods upstairs and knock on the door to have the customer sign for the goods. However, the response from Jin Yichai is silent. When they call and ask, it turns out that the customer has long forgotten about receiving the express delivery and has gone to do other things.

Breathing heavily, Jin Yichai had to say in his mouth that it's okay. It's okay, I'll deliver the goods to you again next time, and then carry them back to his tricycle to wait for the delivery station.

In fact, this is all good. Sometimes, due to physical exhaustion, the delivery process slows down a bit, exceeding the agreed delivery time with customers by one or two minutes. Some impatient customers will curse and complain about Jinyicai.

Due to his good professional ethics, Jin Yichai could only accept it with a smile and sincerely apologize after the customer's anger subsided.

Even though encountering many difficulties and malicious accusations and insults from clients in the workplace, Jin Yichai never thought of giving up.

The last straw that crushed the camel and made Jin Yichai choose to resign was the client's bottomless criticism.

On a certain day during the workday, Jin Yichai started his express delivery work by driving a tricycle as usual. The first item he had to deliver on that day was the milk that a customer placed an order to purchase at JD.com.

After checking that the milk packaging was intact and undamaged, Jinyicai knocked on the customer's door and prepared to deliver the goods to another community after the customer signed for the delivery.

However, unexpectedly, this middle-aged customer began to become angry after seeing the outer packaging of the milk box:

This is not my milk, it's different from the packaging I saw when placing an order in your store. Your JD is deceiving consumers and promoting false information. I want to file a complaint against you

Jinyicai immediately panicked as he looked at the angry customer. The negative impact of a small complaint application on himself and even JD, which is famous for its high-quality service, is unimaginable.

So Jinyicai immediately began to explain to customers that the different outer packaging may be due to a mistake made by the self operated merchant during shipment. Customers can choose to return or exchange the goods without reason, and the shipping cost will be borne by the official JD platform.

However, customers who are difficult to speak will not listen. They just want the milk packaged exactly the same, and they just want to complain.

In an urgent situation, Jin Yichai had to run to the supermarket, buy a bottle of milk that met the customer's requirements from his own pocket, and deliver it to solve the problem.

Later, when Jin Yichai returned home, he began to feel very helpless. Although it was not his fault, he had to bear the consequences. He also had to endure the unspoken insults from his clients. After discussing with his wife, Jin Yichai submitted a resignation letter to his superiors the next day.

After persuading Jin Yichai to continue working at JD without success, the manager who cherishes talent reported the news of the company's 001 courier leaving to CEO Liu Qiangdong layer by layer.

Liu Qiangdong has long heard of the name of his own courier, Jin Yichai, for his 001 number. He also knows that he is a dedicated and hardworking employee. If such an employee wants to resign, Liu Qiangdong naturally is unwilling to do so.

So after learning about the address of Jin Yichai's home through the personnel department, Liu Qiangdong personally visited Jin Yichai one afternoon and made a promise to keep Jin Yichai by saying "I can buy a suite after working for another 5 years".

The promise of not drawing big cakes will eventually be fulfilled

The company CEO personally came to the home of a small grassroots employee and requested that he not resign. He also offered such generous conditions and benefits, and I believe anyone else would be deeply moved.

Jin Yichai, who knows how to be grateful, kind and simple, is no exception. Therefore, under Liu Qiangdong's sincere persuasion, Jin Yichai sorted out his mood and after a week of rest, he dressed up and enthusiastically devoted himself to his work.

If the days get busy, time passes quickly.

Quickly, the five-year period promised by Liu Qiangdong to Jin Yichai arrived. During these five years, Jin Yichai had been working hard, and Liu Qiangdong did not break his promise by increasing Jin Yichai's salary and various benefits.

As early as the year before the arrival of the five-year period, Jin Yichai had saved enough money to buy a house and bought a small residential house in the Binhu area. Today, he is still a courier, but his monthly salary is tens of thousands of yuan.

Liu Qiangdong successfully fulfilled his promise to Jinyicai and won the recognition of the company's employees.


In 2012, Jin Yichai met Liu Qiangdong again at JD's senior employee award ceremony. This time, Liu Qiangdong came to present himself with the "Beyond Self Award".

Jinyicai has reached the pinnacle of his life through hard work, and Liu Qiangdong has also received unanimous praise from the public for his brotherly attitude towards employees, promoting JD to become one of the Fortune 500 companies in the world.

The economic development of our country cannot be separated from enterprises, and the development of enterprises themselves is closely related to the management philosophy of leaders and the work attitude of employees within the enterprise.

I hope that every company leader can learn from Liu Qiangdong's attitude towards employees, and I also hope that every employee in the company can love their work like Jin Yichai, and complete every task steadfastly.

If every company leader can truly seek benefits for employees and value every employee without giving them big pie. Employees' work enthusiasm will be stimulated, and they will have more motivation to shine and heat up in their positions.

Only in this way can the enterprise, as a large ship, go further and develop better with the cooperation of the helm and rowers, forming a positive feedback loop and assisting the further development of China's economy.

I hope that every company leader can learn from Liu Qiangdong's attitude towards employees, and I also hope that every employee in the company can love their work like Jin Yichai, and complete every task steadfastly.

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Tag: JD courier The boss promised to buy house after

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