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Why can we still succeed in entrepreneurship in the United States with a debt of 16 million people and 3.2 billion yuan? Because his father is the chairman of China National Chemical Corporation

Tech 2023-05-23 21:04:03 Source: Network

Do you remember the ofo yellow car that was popular all over the country back then? Recently, its founder Dai Wei's successful entrepreneurship in the United States made a hot search, sparking a heated discussion among netizens.What netizens are most concerned about is Dai Wei, who has become the executor, and is also a scoundrel

Do you remember the ofo yellow car that was popular all over the country back then? Recently, its founder Dai Wei's successful entrepreneurship in the United States made a hot search, sparking a heated discussion among netizens.

What netizens are most concerned about is Dai Wei, who has become the executor, and is also a scoundrel. Why did he still go abroad and start a successful business?

However, after reading his background, perhaps you can solve the questions in your heart.

Who is Dewey?

Dai Wei is indeed a talented person. He graduated from Peking University with both his undergraduate and master's degrees, while others were busy looking for jobs after graduation. After graduating in 2013, he went to Qinghai to teach for a year, indicating that his family conditions were not average.

In 2014, he and four friends founded OFO shared bicycles, which was the first new internet technology company in China to operate campus bicycle business through platform sharing. At the time, he was only 24 years old.

At that time, OFO sparked a wave of shared bicycles, and after multiple rounds of financing and business expansion, its valuation had reached 120 billion yuan, making it the largest shared bicycle company in China.

As the founder and chairman of OFO, Dai Wei can be said to be full of spirit and boundless scenery.

However, young people are still young in the end. There are very few people who can achieve great success when starting a business for the first time. Moreover, at that time, Dewey was only in his twenties and lacked ambition and experience and lessons.

In the management of the company, Dewey violated taboos and plagiarized the "one vote veto power" of the United Nations Permanent Council.

At that time, the major shareholders of OFO, Dai Wei, Alibaba, Didi, and Jingwei, all had a veto power, meaning that as long as one of these four did not agree to a resolution, it would be impossible to achieve anything.

Due to one veto, ofo missed many opportunities for developmentMerging with Mobai and being rejected by one vote was the biggest mistake among them.

At that time, Ma Huateng stated in his Moments that the fundamental reason for the failure of ofo was' veteright ',That is, one vote veto power.

Li Xueling, Chairman and CEO of the Happy Times, also expressed the same view in his circle of friends, stating that the real cause of death of OFO lies in the "veto power".

At the same time, in ofo, the internal competition among the senior management is very serious. The conflict between ofo's young founding team and Didi, a major shareholder, is particularly serious. Dai Wei even drove away Fu Qiang, the former senior vice president sent by Didi, Nan Shan, the head of open platform, and Leslie Liu, the former chief financial officer of Didi.

Secondly, Dewey's ambition is too great, and the pace of ofo expansion is too fast.

In order to seize the market, OFO rapidly expanded nationwide, investing heavily in shared bicycles in many areas that were not suitable for operation. In the end, these small yellow cars did not make much money, but disappeared.

Due to taking too big a step forward, by 2018, OFO began to experience a crisis in the funding chain, and even user deposits could not be refunded, leading to a decline in OFO.

Forced to execute but successfully start a business in the United States?

It is certain that the ofo Xiaohuangche has completely gone bankrupt, the ofo client is completely unable to log in, the WeChat mini program is unusable, and the official 400 phone number cannot be reached,Even the company sold its official WeChat official account.

According to reports from Maihui Finance, it is currently conservatively estimated that,There are still at least 16 million people whose OFO deposits have not been refunded, with each person's deposit of 200 yuan, totaling 3.2 billion yuan.

This 3.2 billion is definitely a waste.

Modern companies are mostly limited liability companies. Although legal persons and shareholders only bear limited liability, Dai Wei still cannot escape responsibility.

Since 2018, Dewey has been enforced, and now there are over 40 restrictions on consumption under Dewey's name.

However, Dewey was only enforced with a property of 13.42 million yuan. Only 13.42 million yuan, currently showing that there is no property under the name that can be executed.

As the founder of the unicorn company, which was valued at over a hundred billion yuan that year, with only 13.42 million yuan in assets, he probably wouldn't believe it when it comes to children. Moreover, Dai Wei's annual salary was as high as 3.5 million yuan at that time, and later he cashed out by selling shares, with a value of over one billion yuan.

It can only be said that they have already figured out a solution, transferring assets in advance or transferring their assets to relatives, leaving only over 10 million yuan to be forcibly executed.

therefore,There is a deposit of 3.2 billion owed to the Chinese people here, and they have already gone to Free America to continue their entrepreneurship.

Dewey opened a coffee brand called AboutTimeCoffee in the United States, with its first store located in a prime location in downtown Manhattan. Afterwards, it opened four consecutive chain stores selling chilled pearl coffee.

At present, AboutTimeCoffee has gained the favor of some large venture capital companies in the capital market, with domestic investment institutions such as Zhenge Fund, IDG Capital's China subsidiary, and Beijing Weixing Capital expressing interest.

At present, the valuation of AboutTimeCoffee has reached as high as $200 million and is still seeking financing.

AboutTimeCoffee sells chilled pearl coffee, which is equivalent to domestic pearl milk tea. andThis type of coffee suddenly became a trend on American social media platforms TikTok and Instagram.

And Dewey stated that this is not just a coffee shop, but a tech savvy startup.

Therefore, AboutTime began to emulate Lucky Coffee's technology driven business model, using mobile applications to customize discounts and coupons for customers.

In terms of selling price, the average selling price of AboutTime is only $4, while Starbucks is $6.

Meanwhile, in order to attract customers,AboutTime has also developed a free first order model, which has attracted the love of young people, mainly college students.

In the United States, AboutTime has quickly become a popular online brand.

The official Twitter account of AboutTimeCoffee shows that the brand's products are currently in short supply, and orders need to wait for three or four weeks to be produced.

It is expected that in the next year, AboutTime will open 150 stores in the United States.

Although we received $10 million in initial round financing, all startups require financial support. Doesn't Dewey already have no assets in China to execute? Where did you get the money to start a business? Has the domestic deposit of 3.2 billion been repaid?

Having a prominent family background, ofo is just buying a lesson

Normal people who fail to start their own businesses are often burdened with debt and forced to do so. Even normal travel is restricted, let alone starting a business abroad.

Celebrities like Lao Luo, who are burdened with 400 million yuan in debt, can only sell themselves to work and repay their debts. However, Dai Wei was able to go abroad and start a new business successfully, and seeing his family background may not be that surprising.

Dai Hegen, Dai Wei's father, is the Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of China chemical engineering Group.

Looking at his Baidu entries, his personal resume can be described as very beautiful. He has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China Railway Engineering Corporation, Vice President of China Railway Corporation, President of China Railway Corporation, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Xinxing Jihua Group Co., Ltd.

In July 2017, he began to serve as the Chairman and Secretary of the Party Committee of China chemical engineering Group.

He has successively won honors such as the Anhui May Fourth Youth Medal, Anhui Excellent Young Entrepreneur, National Locomotive Medal, National May Day Labor Medal, and 2021 Top Ten Figures of the Year in China's Economy.

Dai Wei's wife, Ji Xuefei, also has a considerable background. I also graduated from Peking University and am a classmate of Dai Wei.

Ji Xuefei's Father JilinI graduated from the Department of Law at Renmin University of China with a Master's degree in Criminal Law and an associate professor. I have served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China Beijing Municipal Committee, Executive Vice Mayor, and Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Government Party Group.

In July 2021, Jilin was transferred to the position of Secretary of the Party Group and First Vice President of the Central Academy of Socialism, as well as the Chairman of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

With the support of his father and father-in-law, it was normal for Dewey to have been able to establish OFO. If I also have the support of these two father-in-law, I believe I can also start a successful business.

So even if you owe 16 million people 3.2 billion, it seems normal to be able to successfully start a business in the United States?

So do you still believe in those self-made stories? Ma Yun's father, Ma Huateng's father, and Wang Jianlin's father-in-law are all beyond our reach.

By the way, there are also Dewey's father and father-in-law

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