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Over a hundred comic IPs have come into reality, and KKWORLD Quick Reading Comics Park will land in Guangzhou in July

Tech 2023-07-06 15:07:17 Source: Network

On July 6th, KKWORLD2023, an annual KuaiKan comic park organized by KuaiKan World, officially announced that it will land in Guangzhou from July 15th to 18th, carrying over a hundred popular comic IPs in a 4-day offline utopia, in response to the love and expectations of comic enthusiasts.According to the first wave of roadshows, in addition to retaining the highly popular manga scene restoration, heavyweight guest groups, and immersive exhibition experience, KKWORLD2023 will create China's first manga giant valley amusement park for users, providing users with richer gameplay throughout the entire process from reading manga to planting and pulling grass

On July 6th, KKWORLD2023, an annual KuaiKan comic park organized by KuaiKan World, officially announced that it will land in Guangzhou from July 15th to 18th, carrying over a hundred popular comic IPs in a 4-day offline utopia, in response to the love and expectations of comic enthusiasts.

According to the first wave of roadshows, in addition to retaining the highly popular manga scene restoration, heavyweight guest groups, and immersive exhibition experience, KKWORLD2023 will create China's first manga giant valley amusement park for users, providing users with richer gameplay throughout the entire process from reading manga to planting and pulling grass. This one-stop theme park, sponsored by the cartoon platform party and derived from cartoons, is becoming a diffuse exhibition of the anime "must punch card" by virtue of the unique connection between cartoons and contemporary young people and the overall atmosphere of photo super production.

The door to the world of comics is about to restart, are you ready?

Comic carnival is coming as promised, how much can KKWORLD attract people?

When the ability to enjoy pure happiness becomes increasingly scarce, those who enjoy comics can still continuously draw strength from the secret garden of their spiritual world.

Founded in 2014, Kuaikan is an important channel for the platform's 340 million users to seamlessly enter the comic world. They read comics here and formed varying degrees of connections with their peers in various circles such as Tongren, Cosplay, and Gu Quan, which were derived from comics. Eventually, they extended an important part of their ideal life online.

The original intention of holding KKWORLD, a comic park, is precisely to replicate the same utopia offline every year, allowing the comic world to shine into reality. For comic book enthusiasts, rather than defining KKWORLD as a manga exhibition, it can be said that this is their ultimate happy hometown that they can come back once a year.

Therefore, last year's first KKWORLD event received over 130000 people dressed up as their favorite and rushed to the venue.

You can see a plethora of Lo dresses, Hanfu, JK, and Cos costumes that can or cannot be called rushing into the venue; They can be seen shuttling through cartoon IP Theme Building, taking crazy photos to commemorate people and famous scenes.

You can see that I people in the corner can't shrink into E people every second, and the incarnation of social cattle is full of clock in and stamp collecting; You can see the anime star chasing scene, and you can throw aside your reserve and go crazy for a second towards your favorite paper people, comic writers and CVs; You can see the princess who was still savoring the European style afternoon tea in the previous second, and the next second, she will strike with a heavy hammer in the interactive game.

You can see the crowd cheering for each IP announcement next to the main stage where the comic strip list is released; You can also see a strong figure who is constantly stopped to rest for a moment and then throws himself into Chiaga, under the pressure of the large and small packages around the manga.

Voices such as "looking forward to next year" and "coming back next time", as well as regrets of not being able to attend due to various reasons, have permeated the social media of manga enthusiasts after the hot end of KKWORLD. More than 200 mainstream media outlets have also written footnotes on the significance of comics in the lives of young people in China.

With the official announcement of the second KKWORLD this year, this carnival originating from comics is about to start again. It is reported that KKWORLD2023 will have over 100 popular manga IPs featuring quick release products, including "Hidden", "Difficult to coax", "Mermaid Fall", "Confession", "Hard Core One Middle School", etc., and will provide more check-in points for super release manga scenes.

At the same time, the new concept of Comic Giant Valley Amusement Park, which is composed of IP giant Liuma, Bajiang Ferris wheel, merry go round and giant pain bag official barn, is also worth looking forward to.

Create unlimited youth, watch and continue to expand the comic world

From the perspective of age, comics that have been developed for over a hundred years in China are not young anymore. But the magic of comics lies in that whenever people fall into this world, they always feel youth, and it always stirs the hearts of younger people.

Accompanying comic enthusiasts for over eight years is also a journey of continuous exploration and growth in the comic world.

As a comic content company, Kuaishan brings joy and power to people by continuously producing high-quality comics. As of now, the number of serialized comics on the Kuaikan platform has exceeded 13000, covering all categories favored by comic enthusiasts such as youth, urban, and passionate, and has accumulated over 120000 registered creators to continuously inject fresh blood into comics.

On the other hand, KuaiKan is also expanding the comic world in different ways, continuously extending the IP lifecycle and amplifying the influence of comics. Starting from comics, KuaiKan has successively entered fields such as animation, film and television, books, peripheral derivatives, games, and offline experiences, opening up domestic and international markets, and growing into a diversified and comprehensive content platform.

Taking the video based development of comics as an example, KuaiKan not only continuously collaborates with downstream film and animation development partners, but also uses various methods such as authorization and joint production to respond to the youth of IP fans and attract more people to understand comics through live action movies, live action dramas, and animations. With the launch of self-made comics and the debut of the first batch of self-made animations after long-term polishing, KuaiKan gradually improves its three-dimensional development structure for comic video based development.

It is revealed that during this KKWORLD event, Kuaikan will also disclose more progress in the commercialization of comic IP.

In addition, by hosting two major annual events - offline comic park KKWORLD and online fan carnival KK Fantasy Night - Kuaikan gathers treasure memories for comic enthusiasts in a more ceremonial form, constantly refreshing their more immersive experience of comic IP.

Creating endless youth for manga people in the comic world is the original intention of the founder of Kuaishan World&CEO Annie Chen to establish Kuaishan this company. Quick reading starts with comics, but it will go beyond comics and move towards a more diverse and comprehensive one-stop lifestyle platform for young people, "said Chen Annie.

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