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Latest response: Full refund!

Tech 2023-10-19 20:12:20 Source: Network

Recently, Ms. Zheng from Beijing reported to reporters that on October 8th this year, she discovered a membership fee deduction notice when logging into the Youku Video App

Recently, Ms. Zheng from Beijing reported to reporters that on October 8th this year, she discovered a membership fee deduction notice when logging into the Youku Video App. She only learned after inquiry that:Since August 2018, without her knowledge, Youku has deducted 15 yuan of membership fees from her Alipay every month, which has been deducted for 5 years and 2 months, totaling 915 yuan.What should I do?

Apps that have not been used in 5 years are automatically deducted every year

On the day of discovery, Ms. Zheng called Youku customer service to appeal, hoping to refund her unused membership fee, totaling 915 yuan. According to Ms. Zheng's recollection, she opened a membership on Youku in July 2018 to upload a video. At that time, she was not aware of the membership renewal function, and after that month, she did not use the membership rights of the Youku platform, but Youku began to automatically deduct monthly payments. Ms. Zheng stated that although she immediately closed the membership renewal program after discovering the problem, she was automatically deducted a total of 915 yuan within 5 years.

Ms. Zheng told reporters that during the automatic deduction period, Youku never sent any significant information to remind her of the deduction. She discovered it on her own after opening the Youku Video App. That is to say, if users do not log in to the Youku Video App, they will not know if they are being deducted

Latest response from the platform: Full refund

On the afternoon of the 8th, Ms. Zheng appealed to Youku customer service by phone based on the relevant provisions of the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Online Transactions" - "If online transaction operators provide services through automatic renewal, they should prominently remind consumers to pay attention five days before the automatic renewal date." She demanded that Youku refund the membership fee automatically deducted during the 5-year period.

Ms. Zheng said that Youku's first response was based on "logging into the account once in April and using the search function once", rejecting Ms. Zheng's request to refund the full 5-year membership fee, stating that only the 5-month membership fee can be refunded. Ms. Zheng believes that,She did not use her membership rights, so she has the right to request a full refund.

On October 12th, Youku platform called back Ms. Zheng and expressed willingness to refund the membership fee of 660 yuan for 44 months, which was rejected by Ms. Zheng. On the same day, the reporter called Youku customer service, who stated that they would seriously consider Ms. Zheng's request to refund the full amount, and the specific refund amount is still under negotiation.

On October 13th, the reporter learned from Ms. Zheng that the current Youku platform stated that Ms. Zheng's situation had been verified to be true and her demands were reasonable.We have contacted the user to refund the full 61 month membership fee, totaling 915 yuan. It is expected to arrive in 3 working days.

Quickly self check:

Simply take a few steps to cancel the automatic renewal of the mobile app

So, how can I cancel the automatic renewal of mobile apps? Actually, it's very simple. Below, the editor will explain it in detail.

If the WeChat account is bound when opening the app automatic renewal service, you can directly cancel the mobile app automatic renewal in WeChat.

Specific operations:

Step 1: Open WeChat, click on 'Me' at the far right below, and then click on 'Services' above.

Step 3: Click on 'Payment Settings', then click on' Automatic Renewal '. In 'Automatic Renewal', you can view all mobile apps that are bound to WeChat for automatic renewal. Click on the mobile app you don't want to renew and manually cancel the automatic renewal service.

If you use the automatic payment service opened by Alipay, you can also cancel the automatic renewal of mobile app through Alipay.

Step 1: Open Alipay, click My in the lower right corner, and then click Set in the upper right corner.

Step 2: In the settings interface, locate and click [Payment Settings]

Step 3: Click on 'Secret free payment/automatic deduction', select the mobile app automatic service that needs to be cancelled, and close it.

Some of the partners use Apple phones. After Apple phones have activated the automatic renewal function, they find that no relevant App automatic renewal service can be found in WeChat and Alipay. At this time, you can cancel the automatic renewal of the mobile app through the Apple phone's unique 'subscribe' function.

Step 2: After entering, locate and click on the 'Subscribe' option below

Step 3: Find the mobile app you don't want to automatically renew and deactivate it.

Source: Pengpai News, CCTV Network

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Tag: Latest response Full refund

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