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There are 8 situations that arise. Please turn off your phone immediately, as you may have been 'monitored'

Tech 2023-10-26 07:18:41 Source: Network

Source/Integrated NetworkWith the advent of the mobile internet era, it can be said that we are all "connected to the machine", and the "machine" here must be known as the "mobile phone".With the development of technology, our phones are becoming increasingly "intelligent"

Source/Integrated Network

With the advent of the mobile internet era, it can be said that we are all "connected to the machine", and the "machine" here must be known as the "mobile phone".

With the development of technology, our phones are becoming increasingly "intelligent". From being able to only take photos, make phone calls, and send text messages in the past, to the emergence of various functional apps, we have also benefited a lot from this.

Finally, the complete and diverse capabilities of mobile phones expose us to the environment of information explosion, making it difficult for us to get rid of our dependence on mobile phones. Previously, it was family that constrained our freedom, but now it seems that it is mobile phones that constrained our freedom.

However, on the one hand, mobile phones bring us many conveniences, such as being able to call a car when we go out, having delicious meals at home without cooking, and not being afraid of getting lost wherever we go.

On the other hand, mobile phones also bring us many hidden dangers, such as accidentally falling into the trap of telecommunications fraud or being eavesdropped.

Under what circumstances will our phones be monitored?

In summary, if your phone meets the above 8 conditions, it indicates that your phone is already being monitored, and you should be very careful. Especially for friends engaged in commercial transactions, it is not allowed to disclose some trade secret information, because if leaked, the company may cause huge economic and property losses.

How to prevent it in real life?

In daily life, there are several ways to prevent it. Firstly, you can determine whether your phone is being monitored by dialing your own phone number and saying 'the other user is busy'. If so, it means your phone is secure. Secondly, do not lend your phone to strangers at will, nor download unknown apps or open attachments to unfamiliar text messages. Moreover, if the phone is lost and retrieved after a few days, it is also important to be very careful and attentive.

Also, after your phone breaks down, you must take it to a reputable repair shop to prevent unscrupulous merchants from implanting eavesdropping chips into your phone. In addition, you should always be vigilant about your phone book and monthly expenses such as traffic and phone bills. If the phone book inexplicably adds several unfamiliar numbers, or if the phone bill traffic suddenly increases, then your phone is being monitored.

Finally, if there are issues such as echo, noise, or being cut off during the phone call, you can immediately turn off your phone because you have already been monitored. But with the increasing sophistication and intelligence of monitoring software, devices, and methods, turning off a phone cannot have any effective effect. Therefore, once it is detected that the phone has been monitored, the best way is to change the phone and phone number.

In short, the reason why mobile phones are eavesdropped is mainly because the microphone permission of the phone is turned on and controlled by the listener.


Source: Reading Selection

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Tag: There are situations that arise. Please turn off your

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