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The "drinking water road" in the Xinjiang desert requires 108 wells per day for supply, consuming millions of dollars annually!

Tech 2023-10-19 15:28:46 Source: Network

Drinking water on the highway, perhaps it's the first time you've heard this name. But it does exist deep in the Taklamakan Desert, silently serving human transportation needs

Drinking water on the highway, perhaps it's the first time you've heard this name. But it does exist deep in the Taklamakan Desert, silently serving human transportation needs. This first desert road in China has been crossing the world's second largest mobile desert for 28 years, with a total length of 522 kilometers. It is the longest road built in the desert in the world, and it has never been engulfed.

In a crowd, people's eyes always like to focus on something unique. In our great motherland, there is a highway that not only demonstrates China's humanistic care, but also reflects the enormous importance of transportation. This road quietly meanders through the Taklamakan Desert, a desert known as the "Sea of Death," showcasing the power of nature to the world. The vast expanse of quicksand is like a surging tide, like an invisible giant beast, surging in, making everything seem insignificant. In this desert, neither humans nor matter can escape the fate of disappearance, just like an exhausted desert oasis.

In this seemingly hopeless environment, a drinking road is like a dazzling sunlight, crossing the vast desert and connecting the east and west. In order to ensure the smooth flow of highways, China has built 108 water well houses next to them and dispatched specialized personnel to guard them. Whether it's spring, summer, autumn, or winter, in hot or cold seasons, these workers must stay in the desert and guard a "lifeline". The massive investment of tens of millions of funds fully demonstrates China's people-oriented philosophy and firm commitment to the transportation industry.

Whenever the sunset sets and the afterglow falls on the desert, this drinking road is like a flowing pearl, revered by people. It carries the hope and future of the Chinese people, connecting remote areas with modern civilization. Residents in the desert can use this road to move towards a wider world and share the fruits of development. This drinking water road is not only a path to hope, but also a microcosm of the development of China's transportation industry. The unwavering persistence and selfless dedication of the Chinese government have filled people with confidence in the future.

Perhaps in our daily lives, we find it difficult to realize the value of this drinking road. However, its existence has not only changed the lives of local residents, but also illuminated the future of the entire China. Behind every builder who sheds sweat, there is a powerful country supporting them, and a great nation carrying them. This is a responsibility and also a mission. Whether it's the drinking road in the Taklamakan Desert or every piece of land in China, we should cherish every paved road. Because they are not only convenient tools for people to use, but also symbols of showcasing China's style and persistent spiritual strength.

The construction of drinking water roads seems to be a dialogue between humans and nature. It is like an endless and brilliant rainbow, condensing distant dreams into a dream building path. Its existence is not only to connect the land on both sides of the desert, but also to connect emotional bonds between people.

The desert has always given people the impression of desolation and stillness, with the earth exposed and dust flying. However, the oath of drinking water on the highway does not stop here. It aims to introduce the water of life into the depths of the desert, turn the sand dunes into oases, and enable people to drink sweet water on dry land. It is like a creator, pouring all his heart and effort into gradually transforming the past into a vibrant place.

Every traveler crossing the drinking water road will feel a sense of wonder and awe, and they can personally perceive the greatness of human wisdom. The road uses a solid foundation to support the traveler's footsteps, while the traveler's footsteps support the dream of drinking water on the road. This is a mutual blending relationship, an endless journey.

In the process of building drinking water roads, we are facing one difficulty and challenge after another. People question its feasibility and its necessity. However, the Chinese people have proven the world and themselves with firm beliefs and fearless courage. We are not spectators waiting for miracles, but protagonists who create them. In the embrace of the desert, we stood up and did it.

The drinking water road is far more than just a road. It is a symbol of hope and courage. Whether it's travelers in the desert or people thousands of miles away, they will be attracted to it. It is like a bright light, guiding people in the direction of progress. It has taught us to persevere in adversity, to hold onto our original aspirations, and to embrace the future. The drinking water road is not an ordinary road, it is a gateway to a bright future. Miracles in the desert stem from human wisdom and courage.

Drinking Water Highway sounds like an ordinary yet legendary name. When I stood by the drinking road and felt the majestic energy from the desert, endless respect surged in my mind.

This drinking road has been silently dedicated for decades, providing convenience for human communication. She is like an selfless guardian, unwilling to reciprocate, only willing to keep an eye on this desert. There are no bustling cities, no noisy streets, only tranquility and resilience. It has been moving forward, witnessing the flow of time and the greatness of human wisdom.

Over the long years, drinking water on highways has deeply experienced China's people-oriented philosophy. The transportation industry is thriving, and the construction of every road network is aimed at providing people with more convenient and safe travel services. The drinking water road is a shining pearl in this development process, shining brightly in the desert with its unique charm, guiding us on a sustainable development path.

The construction of the drinking water road is not an easy task, and the difficulties and challenges she faces cannot be underestimated. The desert environment is extremely harsh, with scorching temperatures and endless sandstorms, as if issuing a silent challenge to the builders. However, it was in the face of these difficulties that the builders demonstrated their courage and wisdom. They are like sculptors, using their own hands to carve out this road bit by bit, making it from nothing to something, from ordinary to extraordinary.

The drinking water road has become a brand new scenery in that desert. She is a magical passage that bridges between humans and nature, not only bringing convenience to people, but also allowing us to feel the mystery and grandeur of the desert. Every time I step onto the drinking water road, it seems like I have embarked on a journey of time. We can see the strange flowers and plants in the desert on the road, and also overlook the endless sand dunes from afar. Drinking water on the highway, like a great tour guide, leads us to appreciate the various forms of this desert.

As a great project that witnessed the flow of time, the drinking water road conveys the greatness of human wisdom. She is not only a warrior, but also a wise person. Through countless attempts and practices, builders have overcome scientific challenges and made our travel safer and more convenient. All of this is because they firmly believe that as long as we explore with our hearts, wisdom will guide us towards a bright future.

Stepping onto the drinking water road is a journey of tribute to human wisdom. I couldn't help but express my respect for this road and express my gratitude to those who have worked hard to build it. Drinking water on the highway, you are a link between humans and nature, and every inch of your road shines with the brilliance of China's transportation construction.

The drinking water road may just be a name, but it carries countless expectations and hopes. The desert is not a symbol of despair, but a source of motivation for us to move forward bravely and never give up. On the way to pursuing our dreams, let us learn the spirit of drinking water on the road, move forward firmly and bravely, and never be swallowed up by any difficulties.

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