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Who is posing as a "fake delivery man" when buying fake work clothes and setting up a rider's outfit?

Tech 2023-10-19 23:10:33 Source: Network

Today I received another fantastic order! "On the short video platform, many bloggers who claim to be delivery riders share their bizarre work experiences. The reporter found that many of them were fake videos made using the "rider persona"

Today I received another fantastic order! "On the short video platform, many bloggers who claim to be delivery riders share their bizarre work experiences. The reporter found that many of them were fake videos made using the "rider persona". Buying fake work clothes to impersonate delivery staff, filming conflicting scripts, and operating professional teams... These short video accounts gain traffic and profit through this.

Expose multiple "riders" filming in the same script

Delivery boy, I am a pregnant woman who is 7 months pregnant and my husband is on a business trip. Can you help me bring a bag of 50 pounds of rice... I live in the old community on the sixth floor and there is no elevator... "After receiving such an order note, what will the delivery rider do?

In the video, the "delivery rider" speaks seriously about his "experience". Who dares to guarantee that they won't encounter difficulties in their lives? "After some thought, he helped the customer buy 50 kilograms of rice and delivered it to the address located on the sixth floor. In the video, the young man carries rice upstairs, and the subtitles display sentences of positive energy, appearing warm and touching.

You can go on errands and place orders to buy rice, "" Just take advantage of it, "" Like the delivery guy, "... This video posted on the video website has garnered 4.57 million views. Out of over 8000 comments, some criticized customers for making unreasonable demands, some praised the delivery staff's helpful behavior, and others argued about it.

This account, which mainly focuses on sharing takeout employees, has posted over 100 videos, many of which are about customers' "wonderful requests". The reporter noticed that a few months ago, the blogger also helped a "pregnant woman who is 8 months pregnant" deliver 50 kilograms of rice, with a video playback of 950000.

On another short video platform, there are a large number of videos shot as delivery riders, many of which involve similar plots. After receiving the order note from the "pregnant woman", the delivery staff carried "50 kilograms of rice" upstairs. The lines spoken by these riders were very similar, and the mirror movements were also somewhat similar.

In addition to this' positive energy script ', they also encounter various similar bizarre events: customers use tips to deceive delivery staff into purchasing high priced products, make delivery staff pretend to be their boyfriend, and claim to tip for helping with garbage disposal, resulting in backtracking

The reporter interviewed several delivery riders and learned that sometimes customers may write special notes, but the outrageous requirements in the video are not common. As for bloggers sharing a bizarre experience every one or two days, it is even more bizarre. Why did he encounter all these strange demands

The delivery guy has been complained of "" not allowing phone calls when ordering delivery "" and "the delivery elevator is broken"... In relevant online stores, over 20000 short video scripts can be purchased for 38 yuan, including those related to delivery riders.

On short video platforms, most of the videos posted by real riders are about daily running with plain content. Playing videos deliberately creates conflicts and consumes goodwill in order to obtain traffic. On the homepage of some "delivery riders", various products are sold in the product display window, and some bloggers also profit by inserting advertisements and live broadcasts in videos.

Vulnerable fake takeaway servers can be purchased freely online

The practice of falsely posing in short videos has been repeatedly exposed, why do these portrayal of delivery riders still make many people believe them? The reporter randomly interviewed several citizens, some of whom said, "It can be seen at a glance that it's fake," while others pointed to the screen and said, "I thought he was a delivery man when I saw him wearing this clothes

Watch the video carefully and you can discover some anomalies. Some photographers' work clothes always look very new, and some videos use dual camera positions. In addition to the blogger's selfies, there are also dedicated people filming next to them. In addition, the two major delivery platform apps, Meituan and Hungry, show that the word limit for order notes is limited to 50 words, and some videos have notes that exceed this limit.

Are these people wearing takeout clothes real takeout workers?

In August of this year, a video of a female delivery girl returning late at night to find her car stolen sparked a heated discussion online. After investigation by the police in Huaihua, Hunan, it was found that the video was a fake one directed and performed by oneself. According to CCTV News, Zhou and her husband Yang explained to the police that after Zhou changed into clothes for an online delivery man, they filmed this short video at the entrance of the community. Since April this year, Zhou, her husband Yang, and self media worker Li have released multiple false videos, maliciously spreading rumors and confusing the public. Three people were detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law on suspicion of fabricating and publishing false information to disrupt public order.

The reporter searched on e-commerce platforms and found that many merchants sell delivery staff uniforms with the name and logo of the delivery platform, ranging from summer to winter clothing, with prices ranging from tens of yuan to over a hundred yuan. From the product images, it is difficult to see any differences between the clothing and the official platform. Some store promotional images also include words such as "official website authentic" and "official website of the same model".

Is there someone who takes short videos? Is it true or not? "Someone asked in the product consultation area. The reporter consulted with some merchants, and customer service personnel responded that there were indeed people who purchased takeout and used it to shoot videos. It looks the same as the official one. There are patterns on the clothes

According to the staff of the relevant delivery platform, riding handmade clothes can only be obtained through the rider service mall within the rider app. The work clothes purchased from unofficial channels are mainly produced privately, and it cannot be confirmed whether they comply with relevant regulations. In addition, these garments were not clearly printed with service marks according to relevant requirements, resulting in deliberate confusion. For some cases, the platform will cooperate with the police to crack down severely, but delivery platforms and businesses cannot eliminate the phenomenon of counterfeit work clothes. Currently, the main focus is on cracking down after the case is involved

The reporter opened the relevant app and found that after registration, they submitted their ID information and were manually verified as riders before entering the mall to purchase relevant equipment. Similar fake work clothes can be purchased directly from e-commerce platforms.

Who is operating the industry and setting up a "dummy design"

Why does fake video content often become a hot topic on the internet? This cannot be achieved without the assistance of online marketing companies. On the market, many companies provide short video proxy operations and other services to help account traffic.

We used to have an account where a nanny would take out food with a child who was still drinking milk every day. This is actually a fake, in order to attract attention, "said a staff member of a proxy operation company in Hangzhou. They have a package of 50 short videos planned for 18800 yuan and 100 short videos planned for 28800 yuan, which includes scripts.

For videos like this that rely solely on the plot, first of all, they need to have strong scripting skills, and secondly, they need to have an understanding of the operation and the platform's streaming logic. "A short video operation insider told reporters that in order to maintain traffic and gain revenue in the long term, either a professional team needs to provide support, or the operator needs to master relevant knowledge.

The reporter contacted a media company located in Beijing, and the staff sent a quotation for the operation of a short video account. The service items include account analysis and positioning, copywriting, on-site shooting, and traffic promotion, with a monthly cost of 16800 yuan.

I have been working in this industry for many years, and in three months, I can give you 10000 followers. It's not a problem to monetize live streaming, sales, and advertising, "the staff explained." The more fans you have, the more money you can make. Whether an account can be monetized depends on factors such as its verticality and ability to carry goods. The account's demographic, geographical location, gender, age, and other factors all affect its verticality

Girls delivering takeout is a good setting, "said the staff member. Regarding the analysis and positioning of the account, the" Dummy Set "account can also be used. You can use your own persona, and we can also plan a persona for you

The persona can definitely be fake, "said a staff member from the short video operation department of a network promotion company in Shenzhen. Character setting is character setting. You can express it as you set it

The reporter noticed that in addition to serving as delivery riders, professions with high public attention such as sanitation workers and ride hailing drivers are also easily used by some self media professionals for profit.

In July of this year, the Central Cyberspace Administration issued a notice on strengthening the management of "self media". The Notice clearly states that "self media" publishing content containing fictional plots and deductive plots should be required by website platforms to prominently label them with fictional or deductive labels. However, in most of the "delivery riders" videos taken, they are not labeled as "fictional or deductive".

For the sake of traffic, these types of jokes often deliberately create conflicts between riders and users or businesses, set up auctions to provoke public emotions, and even fabricate and spread rumors, disrupt social security, and have a serious impact on the online environment. The staff of the relevant delivery platform stated that for these types of jokes that use false riders to create false scenes, fabricate and spread rumors, The platform will cooperate with online platforms and relevant government departments to carry out severe crackdowns.

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Tag: fake Who is posing as delivery man when buying

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