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32 years ago, American scientists conducted an experiment where four men and four women lived in the same room for two years. What were the results?

Tech 2023-05-05 01:46:53 Source: Network

In the 1960s, the Americans had successfully ventured into space and sent humans to the moon. In addition, the space hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union was very serious at that time, and the Americans began to make bold ideas in order to rank higher than the Soviet Union:Can we directly create an ecological base on an outer planet in space where humans can live?With the proposal of this plan, the Americans began the experiment with great fanfare, with four male and four female participants,So what exactly is the result? Is it what people say gave birth to a football team or was the experiment successful?Experimental planThrough many years of exploration and experience accumulation, American scientists have discovered that in order to build an extraterrestrial ecological base,Only Mars in space meets the conditions for human survival and migration, but one fatal drawback is that there is no oxygen on Mars

In the 1960s, the Americans had successfully ventured into space and sent humans to the moon. In addition, the space hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union was very serious at that time, and the Americans began to make bold ideas in order to rank higher than the Soviet Union:Can we directly create an ecological base on an outer planet in space where humans can live?

With the proposal of this plan, the Americans began the experiment with great fanfare, with four male and four female participants,So what exactly is the result? Is it what people say gave birth to a football team or was the experiment successful?

Experimental plan

Through many years of exploration and experience accumulation, American scientists have discovered that in order to build an extraterrestrial ecological base,Only Mars in space meets the conditions for human survival and migration, but one fatal drawback is that there is no oxygen on Mars.

So American scientists created the "Biosphere 2" project to enable humans to adapt to the environment of Mars.This biosphere is called the second Earth reconstructed by humans.

Because this biosphere has greatly restored the environment on Mars and is highly enclosed, if successful, it can prove that humans can survive on Mars.

American scientists plan to select four men and four women to conduct biosphere experiments for a period of two years, during which they will be completely enclosed,It is a great test of the willpower of experimental personnel!

Selecting experimental personnel

Conducting experiments is not an easy task, as it requires a significant amount of expenses and requires the most thorough planning.

The initiator of this experiment is former American rugby player John, who has a wide network of resources as a national player.

He brought in many funding from capital investors and sponsored companies for this experiment,The final cost of building Biosphere 2 is as high as $150 million, which can be said to be a high expenditure!

After solving the problem of building the biosphere, how to select excellent experimental personnel has become the biggest challenge for scientists.Experimental plan

The biosphere this time only has 5 wild biota and 2 artificial biota, with limited water and oxygen. This is a very difficult thing for the experimenters.

Once they cannot find the water and oxygen they need, it is like being trapped in an elevator without water or oxygen, and their lives will definitely be threatened by death!So if the experimenters don't have enough intelligence and firm beliefs, and if they choose to leave during the experiment, then this plan will be a dead end!

Once entering this biosphere, it means that everything must be self-reliant without external help.When encountering any difficulties, one can only rely on their own mindset to solve them, so this experiment must ensure its stability and safety.

Selecting experimental personnelAt this point, many different opinions came one after another, giving American scientists some clues.

Because the publisher of this experiment is a national athlete,Someone has raised the question: Can we choose among athletes?Because athletes have a strong willpower, they can greatly improve the stability of the experiment.

Some people also suggest that in order to experiment more safely, one must find someone with a mind.It would be better to find people in the field of mathematics because they can calculate and improve experimental efficiency to a greater extent.

But both proposals were rejected by scientists, but at this moment he thought,Is there anyone who has both willpower and a mind?Researchers! As a scientific researcher, he must have sufficient abilities.

Finally, the scientists selected 8 personnel from the research institute, each consisting of 4 males and 4 females.Before entering the biosphere, scientists conducted systematic and focused training on it, and conducted a comprehensive examination of its physical quality.

In September 1991, eight experimenters officially entered the biosphere.And it explained that the famous artificial closed system project in the United States has officially kicked off!

Biosphere 2 experiment officially launched

For most researchers, entering an ecological base for the first time is definitely full of curiosity! Because everything here is so novel and interesting.

At that time, a researcher named Nielsen said, 'When I first heard about this experiment, I was filled with curiosity and anticipation.',Because once the plan is successful, I will definitely contribute to the space industry.This is an ambitious cross generational plan, and I have the confidence to achieve it!

But when these 8 experimenters truly entered the biosphere, they urgently withdrew their previous words!When they see a completely enclosed space without everything in daily life,There are only all living beings left, they are full of pessimism about the future days!

Experimental Life

Experimental Life8

With the development of the experiment, the 8 researchers initially adapted well, after all, they can stay in the research institute for several days or even half a month at once!

During boredom, these experimenters would use something for food preparation and extract water from the biota for drinking. Indeed, the strength of scientific researchers cannot be underestimated.

The entire biosphere system is proceeding in an orderly manner,Just as people believed that the entire experiment was progressing in a positive direction, the sudden unexpected changes made the experimenters and scientists nervous!

Throughout the year, there were no issues with the eating, drinking, and sleeping habits of the 8 experimenters,But scientists have found that their weight is getting lighter and they seem to have psychological problems!

Why is this happening? Actually, it's not difficult to explain.In this space without any entertainment or social connections, people's brains will become increasingly dull.And with the passage of time, people have already become numb, so no matter what they do, they no longer have interest.

Although these 8 experimenters have achieved daily water consumption, this is already better than the conditions on Mars.However, there is no air circulation in the fully enclosed space, and so many people, so many organisms, all need a great deal of oxygen to breathe.

So, the amount of oxygen exhaled is not proportional to the amount inhaled, leading to a lack of oxygen in the brains of the experimenters.This means that the brain is nearing failure and the body and mind are greatly traumatized.

In situations where the lives of the experimenters are in danger, scientists have to ask them to end the experiment early.In the end, the artificial closure plan for the outer planet ended 5 months earlier than expected and ended in failure!

But scientists did not end up unscathed in this experiment. During this year, they drew many conclusions by observing the changes in the experimenters and biota.

Scientists have found that in such a confined space, with insufficient water and oxygen,The diversity of the entire biological community has been decreasing, and the survival rate of organisms is low.

There are also positive findings that although many essential survival conditions are limited, systematic applications are made through human thinking abilities,The food and waste in the ecological base can effectively self decompose and dissolve with the soil, thereby fertilizing the land!

This experiment also proves that the soil in the ecological base can be recycled, which means that the soil in Mars can also be recycled.However, to maintain the ability to recycle, the required technological strength is very strong, and currently, this is difficult to achieve!

Experimental plan

At that time, as soon as the experiment ended, the participating scientists concealed the accurate experimental time and falsely claimed that the experiment had been successful.So what we receive is praise and recognition from people.

But now that 32 years have passed, young scientists have taken this experiment out and re studied it.They question the accuracy of the results, which has attracted widespread attention in the fields of sociology and psychology.

More and more people are joining the research, and the lies of the past are also being exposed! Under the increasing trend, more and more media are paying attention to this matter.But they are not concerned about the success of the experiment, they only want to know the thinking that this experiment brings.

Experts in psychology began to conduct in-depth research on the psychological changes of these 8 experimenters.They began to explore the factors behind human psychological changes, as well as the adaptability and behavior of humans to unfamiliar environments under the influence of the environment.

Space Gazing Experiment

Space Gazing ExperimentIt mainly studies how human psychological states change under space conditions.

When this experiment started, there were two types of sounds, one was supported,Because they feel that this is very meaningful and can provide a clear direction for future human life.Another voice is opposing, they feel that this experiment is meaningless,On the contrary, it will harm the mental health of 8 experimental personnel.

But the experiment continued as scheduled, and in this experiment, psychologists and sociologists gained a lot of inspiration. They began to study human psychology and sociology,Some studies have shown that different individuals exhibit certain patterns and similarities in their behavior under different environmental influences.

After the experiment, psychologists conducted a survey of 8 researchers and found that it was difficult for them to return to normal life after leaving the ecological base,Their current routines and lifestyle habits are related to the experimental period, which indicates that the impact on humans in enclosed spaces is difficult to change!

first,Space Gazing ExperimentDeeply studied the relationship between human behavior and psychology, and demonstrated human survival ability in difficult environments and adaptability to unfamiliar environments.

Secondly, psychologists gained a lot from this experiment,They have learned from which perspective to think about human problems and have had profound implications for the fields of psychology and sociology!

Finally, this experiment can also help us face up to the many problems that exist in life. Because from the 8 researchers, we can see that,Faced with a lonely and boring life for a long time, if you don't find a way to change it and still immerse yourself in it, sooner or later your body will be unable to carry it.

This is also something we should pay attention to in daily life, as our behavior and thoughts are influenced by many aspects,We cannot make ourselves isolated and pessimistic. We must find ways to overcome difficulties and better cope with and solve social and other problems,To avoid unhealthy physical and mental health!


2Space Gazing Experiment

Although the Biosphere 2 experiment ended in failure, the warning it gave us is also worth paying attention to. In the experiment, we can know that,The 8 researchers did not indulge in erotic life as netizens claimed, but instead helped each other and worked hard to survive!

This also tells us that,In daily life, we need to cooperate sincerely with each other, transitioning from independent individuals who do not interfere with each other to a direction of unity and unity!Only by believing in others and oneself can one be free from difficulties!

Space Gazing ExperimentWe need to learn to socialize, find ways to overcome difficulties, and maintain our physical and mental health!

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Tag: four the years ago American scientists conducted an experiment

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