Intensify the introduction and construction of modern technology in scenic areas, and turn smart tourism into a new option for consumption
Smart tourism has become a new option for consumptionGoing to Wunv Mountain, Qingyun Mountain, and Fenglin Valley for leisure and relaxation, and staying in a small town for one night to experience a rural vacation, has become a new option for tourists to come to Benxi City, Liaoning Province for tourism and consumption. And these scenic spots are attracting more people by improving the intelligent development level of cultural tourism...
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From technological innovation to full lifecycle operation and maintenance, Jinmao Green Building sincerely protects technology, living in a green and beautiful life
Family health is the cornerstone of 'Healthy China', and family health is the foundation of family happiness. With the development of the national economy, people's demand for a green, healthy, and safe living environment is becoming increasingly strong...
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The 20th ChinaJoy Press Conference was held in Shanghai in 2023, with a comprehensive interpretation of the top ten highlights of the exhibition
5292023ChinaJoyChinaJoy728731 ChinaJoyChinaJoy 2023ChinaJoy 728731ChinaJoy500221910030%12BTOC20010BTOB3002BTOB35%ChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoyAIGCChatGPTMidjourneyAIAIChinaJoyAIAI2023 ChinaJoy ChinaJoyAIChinaJoyCDECChinaJoy AIGCAIGCAIGCAIGCAIGCCGDCAIChinaJoy BTOB5GWeb3.0GAME+:AI++AINPCAIAIAIAI ChinaJoyDeNAAMDRazorGoldMy CardSnapXsollaVTC MobileAppsFlyerChinaJoy25%BTOBChinaJoyChinaJoy ChinaJoy[if !supportLists] 822DOTA2CSGOMA332IPIP:[if !supportLists] ChinaJoyUP4399[if !supportLists] R9000XY700IT990PROSSD[if !supportLists] ChinaJoy300 ChinaJoyCDECCGDC42023CDEC1 + 4 + NChinaJoy AIGCChinaJoy Web32023CGDC7AIIndieAzureSNKOminiverseScopelyJohn YinCD PROJEKT RED Mikoaj SzwedMundfish CEO Robert BagratuniKLab China CEO 3002023ChinaJoy ChinaJoy2023 ChinaJoy2023ChinaJoy ChinaJoyBTOCVR/ARBTOBIPB BSnapTAPTAPR9000XSnap ARGame for GoodIndieBC ChinaJoy CosplayChinaJoy ChinaJoyDeNAPICOCPICO VR ChinaJoyCJ Go ChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoyCJ GoZChinaJoy - CJ GoCJ GoChinaJoyARPKCJ GoChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoy/INDIE GAME ChinaJoyChinaJoy x Game Connection INDIE GAMEINDIE GAME ChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoyChinaJoyShowgirlChinaJoyChinaJoy...
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Study on the metabolic potential of six ancient bacterial lineages in deep-sea sediments using MAGs macrogene assembly method
//CR(MAGs)6(Lokiarchaeota, Thorarchaeota, Heimdallarchaeota, Bathyarcheota, ThermoplasmatalesHadesarchaea)31magLokiarchaeotaBathyarchaeotamagCRLokiarchaeotaLokiarchaeotaWood-LjungdahlcomarchaeotaarchaeotaCR31(MAGs)6(Lokiarchaeota, Thorarchaeota, Heimdallarchaeota, Bathyarcheota, ThermoplasmatalesHadesarchaea)LokiarchaeotaBathyarchaeotaMAGsLokiarchaeotaDNAIQ-Tree16(L2L3L4L5L6L14L15L16L18L22L24S3S8S10S17S19)(VT + F + R10) 1000HMMsearchHMMMAGsBlastKoalKEGGUSEARCH-ublastMEROPSbinKEGG,CR Lokiarchaeota(rG)pH81mmCRU1378U1379CR Lokiarchaeota:G0rRCHNOSZ(4C)Qr16S rRNACR5,12616S rRNA(3125%)archaeotaLokiarchaeota531mag11(60%5%)magNCBI (nr)MAG(60-75%)CR_1215%Heimdallarchaeota16MAGs6Lokiarchaeota, Thorarchaeota, Heimdallarchaeota, Bathyarcheota, ThermoplasmatalesHadesarchaeaCRMAGs(ESPs)espCRHeimdallarchaeotaLokiarchaeota MAGs (CR_06, CR_11)ESPsCRarchaeota, HadesarchaeotaThermoplasmata MAGsespMCR(mcrABCDG)CRMCRHMMmag(AssA)(BssA)C-CLokiarchaeota CR_06Lokiarchaeota CR_06BCRBBzd4(BzdONPQ)BCRiCR_06BCR(LokiarchaeotaBathyarchaeotaArchaeoglobus)BCRPQATP/ATP[4Fe-4S]a(ON)aaCR_06BCR4(CR_06-contig-100_3495)CR_06 MAG(= 1110)> 200xCR_ Lokiarchaeota (CR_06)CRAsgardAsgard MAGs(CR_06, 07, 08, 1112)CO2H2OrG '(rG ' = 196.3 [kJ/mol])CR(86%)Lokiarchaetoa():(a)CO2H2O(rG ' =1206...
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Liu Lirong, founder of Jinli, suffered a disastrous defeat in the casino and lost over ten billion yuan in assets!
Liu Lirong, a renowned Chinese entrepreneur and founder of Jinli Group, is renowned for his outstanding achievements in the field of mobile communication in China.His entrepreneurial journey is full of hardships and determination, showcasing how an ordinary person can achieve their dreams through hard work and perseverance...
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Completely not pretending? Huawei "seizes" 8% of the market share, Ren Zhengfei: Peace is achieved through "fighting"
Jay Chou - Give Me Time for a Song (2010 Super Era World Tour). mp34:46From W Kan TechnologyAs is well known, under the sanctions and blockades of the United States, Huawei's mobile phone business experienced a cliff like collapse, from being the "world's number one" to being the "unknown"...
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Isn't WeChat the latest ranking of the top ten instant messaging software in the world?
With the continuous improvement of global digitization, the application range of various instant messaging software (IM) is also becoming increasingly widespread. According to the "Connected Life" statistics released by global research consulting firm TNS, the number of people using instant messaging globally increased by 12% year-on-year in 2022, with 55% of internet users using instant messaging every day and up to 76% using it every week...
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Snapdragon 8+was beaten to 2099 yuan! Xiaomi 618 is crazy, netizen: Price is the king's way
The 618 battle in the mobile phone industry has already begun. From the current strategies of various companies, cost-effectiveness models are still the main force, and historical experience has also proven that price is the king's way...
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Huawei's latest patent application has been approved, foreign media: Biden did not initially anticipate
Opening remarksHuaweiWe have always relied on our own strength, withstood the pressure from the United States, and developed our own operating system with our own brand new operating systemSemiconductor industryAnd finally broke free from the control of the United States by obtaining a series of patents. althoughHuaweiThere has been a significant breakthrough in independent development, but in domestic productionchipThere are still serious issues in development...
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Ma Huateng's AI Centennial Theory
Original Zhen Science Qin Shuo's Circle of FriendsThis is the numberfive thousand two hundred and sevenOriginal first articleWord count 3k+| Qin Shuo's MomentsI am an investment oriented person who started learning Python in order to keep up with AI, and I am determined to become one of the programmers. Among the founders of the internet, I admire Ma Huateng the most because he comes from a programmer background...
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When Tencent first went public, Xu Xin bought 5 million shares, and now she has earned several billion yuan
When it comes to venture capital queen Xu Xin, many people are not unfamiliar. Back then, she became famous by investing in JD...
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Join Tencent Cloud TDSQL (PostgreSQL version) TCP course and embark on a new journey of database learning
Tencent Cloud TDSQL (PostgreSQL Edition) TCPTraining OverviewSenior Engineer for Database Delivery, Operations and Maintenance - Tencent Cloud TDSQL (PostgreSQL Edition)TCPtrainHTAPtrainHTAP TDSQLPostgreSQLTDSQLPostgreSQLOSSTDSQLPostgreSQLDBbridgeAdmission suggestionstrainLinuxSQLtrainThe course of Tencent Cloud TDSQL (PostgreSQL Edition), a senior engineer in database delivery and operation maintenance, covers the following content:trainMaster the product architecture and functional features of the distributed HTAP database TDSQL (PostgreSQL version)Master the operation and maintenance management of TDSQL (PostgreSQL version) kernel componentsMaster the basic operations and usage methods of TDSQL (PostgreSQL version) database operation management platformMaster the operating principles and maintenance methods of various core components of TDSQL (PostgreSQL version)Master the use of TDSQL (PostgreSQL version) development toolsMaster TDSQL (PostgreSQL) database data migration tools and operationsCertification returnPassing the certification exam will result in obtaining a competency certification certificate issued by Tencent Cloud, proving one's technical strength; This certificate supports enterprises to query by entering your name and certification number to distinguish authenticity; At the same time, your information will also be entered into Tencent's excellent talent pool, helping you gain more career opportunities.TDSQLtrainTDSQL Other Level CertificationFor other courses related to TDSQL, please scan the QR code below for consultation...
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